What to take with you on the trip?

Someone loves the fees before the trip, but to someone they remind a continuous nightmare. Nevertheless, it is very important to decide what to take on a trip and gather in advance, so that it does not happen that you will not find a passport at the airport, and you will find yourself without a sunscreen on the beach. It is even more important to collect things correctly when traveling with a child.

What to take on a trip:

  1. Documents and money. Passport, health insurance, air tickets, driver's license, hotel reservation, credit cards, cash. It is better to spread the money in different pockets for obvious reasons.
  2. Means of personal hygiene. This includes the minimum required for primitive care of the body: toothbrush and paste, shampoo, razor or epilator, deodorant, manicure accessories, decorative cosmetics, care products, tanning agents.
  3. Clothing. Depending on where and for how long you are traveling, take that minimum of clothes that will allow you to be outdoors on a hot day and a cool evening, you should definitely have several pairs of changeable underwear. All clothes should be as comfortable as possible. Do not forget the headdress and a few pairs of shoes for different occasions.
  4. Technique: camera, phone and charger, navigator, tablet or laptop. Without them in today's world can not do.

What to take on a trip from a meal?

If the food is needed only for the time of the road, take as much as you can eat. It should not be perishable products. Give preference to vegetables and fruits, sandwiches (without fillings with a strong aroma that will irritate fellow travelers), dry liver. If you can not do without sweet, instead of candy and chocolate, which have the property to melt, take marmalade, pastille or marshmallow. Do not forget about water and a thermos with a hot drink.

What medicines to take on a trip?

On each trip, your first aid kit should contain bandage, cotton wool, plaster, calendula solution, pain medications, something for colds, activated charcoal, smecta, cytromone, but-shpu.

What to take on a trip with a child?

To ensure that both the baby and you relax with comfort, you should not forget the following subjects: