Spathiphyllum - how to care?

Have presented spathiphyllum Chopin or Wallis, and you do not know, how behind this flower to look after? Some sellers of this plant say that for spathiphyll, not very important Chopin or another, you need to look after as a small child, it is too sickly flower priveredliv. But it is not so! Cultivation spathiphyllum may not cause trouble, if you follow the tips for caring for it. So we'll have to figure out how to properly care for spathiphyllum.

Spatifillum: care (watering, transplanting), reproduction and disease


Spatyphyllum needs diffuse light, he feels well in the penumbra. But a bright light, a direct sunbeam plant can kill. However, the darkening of the flower does not help it, the leaves become narrow and elongated. Optimal location is the northern windows. A little increase in lighting can be done during the flowering period, this will help to prolong it.

Watering and humidity

It requires abundant watering and maintenance of high humidity. To achieve the latter you need to put a pot of flower on a pallet with wet sand or expanded clay. In summer, the air in the room needs to be moistened with spraying from the spray gun, it is also useful to spray the plant itself and wash the leaves. Only during flowering, these procedures should be carried out with care - water on the inflorescence should not fall. In winter, watering and humidifying the air should be reduced. Sometimes, after hearing that the spathiphyll loves water, they begin to water him too actively. As a result, the flower lowers leaves, they turn yellow and fall off. This rooted roots of the plant, and it will be difficult to save it. Therefore, make sure that the land dries between watering, so you will avoid stagnation of water and decay of roots. If this still happened, then the flower should be taken out of the pot, cut off all rotted parts and transplanted into fresh soil and a new pot.


Spathiphyllum is thermophilic, optimal for it will be 22 ° C in summer and not less than 18 ° C in winter. At temperatures below 16 ° C, the flower begins to stop developing, is sick and dies.

Additional fertilizing

From March to September, the flower should be fed with mineral fertilizers that do not contain lime. Top dressing is done during watering of the plant.


Transplant spathiphyllum as needed every 1-2 years. The soil is weakly acidic, it is better to use ready-made earth mixtures from the flower shop. The pot must be chosen in a larger size when transplanting, but not much, from too much empty space the flower will not be better. Conversely, some varieties after transplanting into too spacious utensils feel uncomfortable and slow down in their development.


Seeds can propagate spathiphyllum, but it is problematic, so this method is unpopular. Much more often spathiphyllum is multiplied by division. It is best to do this when transplanting in the spring. Scions better take root, if they temporarily make a greenhouse - covered with a plastic wrap. Just make sure that the film does not touch the leaves, and do not forget to vent this mini-greenhouse.


  1. Poor growth of the flower may indicate excess moisture and too bright light.
  2. If spathiphyllum refuses to blossom, then most likely you planted it in an overly spacious pot - blooming will come only when the roots fill the entire pot. To provoke flowering, you can hold for 10 days at a temperature of 12 ° C.
  3. Dark spots on the leaves indicate a waterlogging or that the plant has got parasites. If only the tips of leaves darken, then this is most often a reaction to a lack of moisture or insufficient moisture in the air. Also, leaves can become black with a lack of nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium.
  4. Various parasites and pests appear in plants contained in a room with dry air and with insufficient watering. Most often, the spathiphyllum suffers from aphids (shield and common) and spider mites. In such cases, the plant is washed with a soap sponge and sprayed with the anti-pest preparation purchased at the vet store.

That's all the features of care for spathiphyllum, good luck and beautiful colors.