21 reason why guys with a beard steeper

How can a beard change the image of a man for the better? Among the celebrities there are a lot of bearded guys, from whom it is so attractive, masculine and sexy. So why are the bearded handsome men any better?

1. Of course, I can not believe that I will have to prove why they are better. Just look at this handsome man!

2. And on this.

3. And on this one too.

4. And here's a weighty reason: for many centuries the beard was a sign of consistency.

5. A beard can transform a person in a moment.

6. With a beard, the man looks more solid.

7. It is proved by science that such people look much more attractive.

8. A beard can turn any of the dull botanist into a sexy guy.

9. Quite child and hero of the revolution.

10. An ordinary guy and director of "Star Wars".

11. Guy with a tie and the legend of the world opera

Luciano Pavarotti

12. Ordinary actor and Oscar winner.

13. Definitely, Jared Leto is always attractive, but his beard gives him more charm.

14. Another beard has an anti-stress effect. Thinking about something, you can stroke it like this.

15. Beard decorates any of your performances.

Look at how many people I sent

16. Even with her help you can scare off enemies.

17. And attract men.

"This is a magic beard!"

18. A beard can become a work of art.

However, it is important to cut it off in time.

And she does not like everyone, cats, for example.

True, sometimes the expectation and reality may differ.

19. If you are now trying to grow it, do not lose heart. There will always be those who support ... and will not support.

Of course, you can try to attach an artificial one, but it will be immediately noticeable.

20. And also the beard protects the face from bacteria.

21. And yet, the bearded men look very modern!