Elevated hemoglobin - causes and treatment in women, men and children

Elevated hemoglobin - the problem is not as common as decreased, but it requires no less attention. An increase in the number of red blood cells adversely affects the health and indicates the presence of pathological processes in the body, and this suggests that the phenomenon must be combated and the faster the better.

Hemoglobin is raised - what does it mean?

The protein hemoglobin contains iron molecules and is responsible for the transport of nutrients to the tissues. Its level in the blood reflects the amount of oxygen carried. High hemoglobin can be observed for various reasons, but as a rule, it becomes a manifestation of various pathologies of internal organs. To increase the level of protein leads to a decrease in the number of blood plasma or overproduction of erythrocytes.

Elevated hemoglobin - consequences

High hemoglobin - good or bad this is the first question that arises in people who have encountered a problem. Of course, it's not normal. When the body is oversaturated with erythrocytes , some systems and organs start to work incorrectly. Elevated hemoglobin causes a thickening of the blood. Because of this, capillaries are gradually clogged, and blood flow is disturbed, which can lead to such consequences:

As can be seen, elevated protein hemoglobin - a serious phenomenon, but it represents danger only if the problem is neglected and delayed with an appeal to a specialist. Those who timely diagnose and take all the necessary measures safely get rid of unpleasant symptoms, fully recover and return to normal life.

High hemoglobin - causes

The increase in blood viscosity can be permanent and temporary. What does elevated hemoglobin mean in the latter case? Such a problem, as a rule, occurs in people during long flights, with a sharp loss of moisture, insufficient use of liquid. Specialists this phenomenon is also called falsely elevated hemoglobin. It does not pose any danger, because the level of the hemoprotein quickly normalizes after the creation of appropriate conditions.

Chronic elevated hemoglobin causes is more serious:

  1. Bad habits. In smokers, a thickening of the blood is observed more often. Their organisms constantly lack oxygen, which is why they begin to actively produce red blood cells.
  2. Life in specific conditions. These are settlements located in high-altitude areas. For residents of such areas, slightly elevated hemoglobin is considered the norm.
  3. Ecological situation. Residents of areas with increased smoke and gas pollution, according to statistics, with the problem of blood clotting are encountered more often. By working out red blood cells the body tries to cope with oxygen starvation.
  4. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. A common cause of increased hemoglobin.
  5. Active sports activities. Large physical loads require an impressive amount of oxygen.
  6. A specific profession. People who are often in thin air or smoke smoke are at risk.

High hemoglobin in women

The normal amount of red blood cells for 120-160 g / l. Elevated hemoglobin in women can cause such reasons:

  1. Monotonous and prolonged physical activity . With constant voltage, the body needs more oxygen.
  2. Physiological fluid loss . If they are not compensated, chronic elevated hemoglobin develops.
  3. Intestinal infections . Lead to loss of fluid, a decrease in the amount of plasma in the blood and an increase in erythrocytes.
  4. Reception of diuretics . Such appoint for kidney disease, hypertension.
  5. Pregnancy . High hemoglobin during pregnancy is observed, as a rule, in women who are familiar with the problems of blood clotting, and against the background of taking some vitamin complexes.
  6. Vaquez disease . In this case, an increase in the number of CCPs can be malignant.
  7. Problems in the work of the intestines . Because of which the body can not properly digest vitamin B12.

High hemoglobin in men

The norm for representatives of the stronger sex is 130-170 g / l. To cause a high level of hemoglobin in the blood of men, among other things, the following factors can occur:

High hemoglobin in a child

Immediately after birth, a normal hemoglobin in the amount of 125 - 145 g / l is considered normal. In the next six months, the indices drop to 95 - 135 g / l, and then again increase. That's why the hemoglobin in a child can be elevated:

In adolescents, high hemoglobin in the blood can be observed due to frequent stress and smoking, fever. Some young people - actively engaged in sports and regularly attending gyms - suffer from the use of anabolic steroid drugs. Vaquez-Osler disease is more often diagnosed in adults, but this illness, causing blood thickening, can sometimes also affect children.

High hemoglobin - symptoms

Symptoms of the problem do not always appear. Many people for a long time and do not suspect that they have elevated hemoglobin in the blood, while with significant changes in protein levels do not appear such symptoms:

High hemoglobin - what to do?

The choice of therapy should be coordinated with a specialist. In some cases, small increases in protein levels can be left without attention. When the deviations are serious, thinking about how to lower hemoglobin should necessarily and very urgently. To restore the level of a haemoblock use different methods:

How to lower hemoglobin - tablets

Best of all, with the task of lowering hemoglobin in the blood, medications are used that dilute blood and restore its coagulability. These drugs include:

How to reduce hemoglobin folk remedies?

Alternative medicine also knows how to reduce hemoglobin at home quickly:

  1. For a long time the most effective way was treatment with leeches. They dilute blood and normalize the number of hemolytic, because a similar procedure, some medical centers offer today.
  2. Good reviews have earned resin mummy. Folk healers recommend taking a pill at night for 10 days.
  3. To restore the level of hemoglobin, you can drink three liters of water with a lemon for three months in a row.
  4. Regular donation prevents blood clots.

High hemoglobin - diet

Changing the diet will also help to normalize a high level of hemoglobin.

When increasing the number of red blood cells is not recommended:

The following foods are allowed by the diet: