Spasm of back muscles - quick ways to eliminate discomfort

The spine is an important element in the skeleton of each person. He helps us to walk, sit and stand, without it a full life is impossible. If the locomotor apparatus starts to disturb you, then one of the reasons can be spasm of the muscles of the back. This is a common disease, accompanied by severe pain.

Why does spasm of the back muscles occur?

The involuntary contraction of the muscles, which causes severe pain in the back, is called spasm. There are two types of manifestation of the disease:

  1. Clonic spasm, which is characterized by a high frequency of fluctuations in muscle tone. The patient feels a slight twitching in the problem area.
  2. Tonic spasm manifests itself in the form of severe pain, covering at once the entire back.

In any case, such lumbago causes severe discomfort. When a person has spasms of the back muscles, their causes can be different and depend on the nature of the manifestation and the place of exacerbation. Pain in the spine appears:

After the injury (even if it occurred several years ago), the tissues at the site of the impact can for a long time retain the compressed state. Under adverse conditions, the inflamed area strains to protect the affected area from other injuries. Then, the blood vessels and nerve fibers in the human body are affected, thus providing painful sensations.

Such images cause muscle spasms, the reasons for their formation can be as follows:

Muscle spasm in the back - symptoms

Stress or muscle spasm in the back can manifest itself:

The doctor will be able to detect the trigger zones during the examination. They are mainly located in the muscle tissues responsible for lifting the shoulder blades and straightening the back (large diamond-shaped, trapezoidal areas). This disease affects not only the connective tissues of the body, but also the internal organs, so you need to seek help from a specialist.

Spasm of the dorsal muscles - treatment

In order to answer the question of how to remove spasm of the muscles of the back, it is necessary to understand the cause of its origin. If you do not know exactly what triggered the pain, then you will need to undergo a test and pass the tests, since the advanced stage requires complex treatment and can cause discomfort for a long time, and even for the rest of your life.

If you do not know how to remove a muscle spasm in the back, which does not pass for three days, then you need to apply to a specialist. There are such ways of treatment, as:

If you have a strong spasm of the back muscles, then you need to take a horizontal position, which will allow you to relax as much as possible, and have a good rest. You can try to apply on a sore spot alcohol compress on the basis of birch buds, poppy flowers, adonis or motherwort. Keep it you need no more than half an hour and repeat 2-3 times a day until there comes a relief.

Tablets from back muscles spasms

The medicine for spasms of the back muscles should be prescribed only by the doctor, after a complete examination. To engage in self-medication with such a disease is very dangerous, because each organism is individual, and the cause of discomfort is different for all. The specialist basically prescribes nonsteroidal drugs (NSAIDs) that stop and prevent the inflammatory process, penetrating deep into the hearth and eliminating pain.

In order to alleviate the condition of the patient, you can take an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory medicine:

Injuries from spasm of back muscles

With different types of cervicalgia and discomfort in the back take muscle relaxants to relieve muscle spasms. This universal remedy is used in a complex with chondroproteterami to restore the damaged cartilaginous tissue. The injections are done only when the patient can no longer tolerate pain. The drug, penetrating the hearth, relaxes muscles and facilitates the condition.

The most effective medicines are:

Ointment with spasm of back muscles

If you have a spasm of the back muscles, the treatment can be local. To do this, rub the ointment, cream or gels on the basis of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

These medications have side effects, in the form of skin peeling, itching, rash and redness. Spasm of the back muscles can remove drugs that have a warming, distracting and irritating effect, as well as homeopathic medicines that repair cartilaginous tissues. The most effective ointments are:

Massage with spasms of the back muscles

Very often, patients are interested in how to remove spasm of the back muscles without the use of medication. If the pain is tolerable, then you can take a course of massage. This is an effective tool that helps to alleviate the condition and normalize blood circulation in clamped tissues. Perform such a procedure should a professional in compliance with technical regulations, so as not to harm the patient's backbone.

Exercises for spasms of the back muscles

In order to relax the spine, you can independently perform exercises to relieve spasm of the muscles of the back:

  1. To make rides and a bridge on the fitball.
  2. Hang for a few minutes on the bar.
  3. Make slopes to the toes of the feet and to the heels.
  4. Try to hug your knees with your hands.