How to brew green tea?

Nowadays, this healing drink has spread to almost all corners of the globe and has taken a worthy place on the shelves of grocery stores and kitchens of our houses. But, despite such a high popularity of green tea, not everyone knows the art of proper preparation. How to properly brew green tea, how to properly use it and what are the beneficial properties hidden in the green leaves of this plant, let's talk in today's article.

How to brew green Chinese tea?

The rules of brewing green tea is not just the preparation of a delicious aromatic drink, it is a whole ceremony requiring patience and regularity. First, according to traditional Chinese concepts, the hostess should be in a peaceful mood and a good mood. After all, the basis of the drink is water, and she, and this is recognized even by modern scientists, is able to absorb any information. Thus, if you prepare tea in a bad mood, it will not be as tasty and useful as expected.

Secondly, for the brewing of green tea is important the ability to properly prepare dishes. Here's how to do it. Take a tall, better cone-shaped, ceramic brewer and thoroughly wash it with running water so that there is not any dust or scurf on the walls that can ruin the taste of tea. Then fill the vessel in advance with boiling hot water, so that it warms up properly. And the water is better to take the filtered soft by buying it in a store or by passing home water through a special filter.

When the walls of the brewer warmed up, drain the water from it, pat dry with a towel and you can start brewing. According to the accepted norms for each 150 milliliters of water of tea leaves should take 1 teaspoon without a slide. Let's say that our brewer has a capacity of 350 milliliters. We put 2 teaspoons of tea and pour 300 ml of water. Why not a complete brewer? Yes, to leave room for the accumulation of flavor, because all the hot has the property to rise up. If you do not leave room for steam, it will squeeze out through the hole in the handle of the lid.

Another nuance in the preparation of this curative beverage is the observance of the water temperature. If we are used to making black tea with steep boiling water, grabbing the kettle, as soon as it boils, then this number will not pass. Boiling water will simply kill all the useful elements. The water temperature for brewing green tea should not exceed 80-85 degrees.

How long does it take to make green tea?

No less than the water temperature, it is also important how much time to brew green tea. Experts of this case argue that the time interval for the infusion of a drink depends on many factors. This is the type of tea, and the age of the plant, and the place of its growth, and the time of collection of raw materials, and even the phase of the moon and the sign of the Zodiac, in which the moon was at that time. But, having bought tea in the store, we are unlikely to learn all this information, how to be? In this case, the masters of the tea business are advised to push off from the average time interval of 4 minutes. And with each repeated brew add 15 seconds.

How many times can I make green tea?

How to be at each repeated brewing, you ask, and how many times can you make green tea? As Comrade Sukhov from the movie "Hot Sun of the Desert" said, the east is a delicate matter, and tea is no exception. Quality first-class green tea can be brewed up to 5-6 times, and only on the seventh brew you will feel a change in taste and aroma. Astonishing drink, is not it?

Where is green tea used?

Now you know how to properly brew green tea, it remains only to remind where it can be applied with health benefits. First, green tea is good already and as a simple drink. He easily quenches his thirst in any heat. Secondly, it is a wonderful helper for those who decided to lose weight. After all, green tea has the ability to remove excess water from the body, remove toxins and toxins, as well as it reduces appetite, which allows you to withstand any diet without a debilitating feeling of hunger. Love green tea, and a positive result will not keep you waiting.