How to find the missing item?

It is difficult to meet a man who would never lose anything. And there are situations when the desired object as if "fell through the ground." In such situations, information on how to find the missing item with the help of conspiracies will help. There are many different rituals that people use for more than a decade, so some are directed towards the Higher Powers, while others are a petition to the devil and the house-spirit.

How to find the missing item in the apartment - a ritual with a match

This rite is considered the most popular, and it helps in situations when it is not possible to find the necessary thing for a long time. In this situation, you need to light a match, wait until it burns a little, and then, put out. Burned end, draw a cross on the left hand, with which you should go for half an hour. After that it is important to wash it off with milk and say such a plot to find the missing item:

"All the departed will return. All I need is. With me, Christ and bright forces! Amen".

The conspiracy is repeated 3 times, and then, you need to stand in the center of the room, thinking about the thing you need to find. It is important to present it as realistically as possible. It is believed that after the ritual you will certainly be able to remember where the thing is.

How to quickly find the missing item in the house - a ritual for a brownie

The housekeeper is the invisible master of the house and if people live badly, for example, they do not take out the garbage or often swear, he punishes them, spoiling or hiding things. To restore the lost thing, you need to coax the brownie . To do this, put in a corner a saucer with milk, and around to lay out seven yellow coins. Then say these words:

"Brownie-house, my thing took me. Played with it - give it to the owner, and he will welcome you! "

After this, it is recommended to leave the house for about half an hour to walk to allow the householder to return the lost thing.

Rite with a rope to find the missing item

This ritual is used when you need to quickly find a lost object. Conduct it at sunset. Take a thin rope and tie knots on it, saying such a conspiracy:

"Disappear (name the subject), tie! To me (name) respond! "

After this, put the rope in a corner located in the west of the room. When the morning comes, unknot the knots, saying these words:

"Disappear (name the subject), untie! Show me (name)! "

Then the rope should be moved to the eastern corner of the room.

Ritual with herbs to search for lost things

This ritual is allowed to be used only if there is absolute certainty that the thing was lost at home, and not on the street. For the ritual, prepare dried wormwood, lavender and motherwort. Plant the plants in a container made of cast iron or copper. After that, drip alcohol on the trays, and then, set them on fire. The smoke emitted should be fumigated all the house, which will quickly find the loss.