Onion husks for hair - recipes for healing and gentle dyeing

The fact that onion husks for hair and body are useful, even professionals do not deny. In addition, its medicinal properties are actively used in non-traditional medicine - for the treatment of diseases of various organs. Onions are used to prepare broths, infusions, masks. Positive changes become visible even after a short use of funds based on husk.

What is useful onion husks?

It contains a huge amount of useful substances. Due to this, the husks from onions have such useful properties:

In addition, that onion hull for hair is useful, it can be used to cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and many other harmful substances. Regular use of onion-based products increases immunity and strengthens protection at the cellular level. Many recipes based on husks provide an opportunity to slow down the aging process of the body, improve the skin condition, overall well-being and even mood.

Onion husks - hair treatment

In fact, what most people consider garbage, in fact contains much more useful substances than in the bulb or its green feathers. The husk of onion for hair has been used for a very long time. It helps to strengthen, restore, "revive" curls, give them shine and elasticity. A large number of flavonoid glycosides contained in onions penetrate not only into the hair, but also into the scalp to heal the head of hair from the inside.

Know only what is useful onion husks for hair and some recipes are few. To get the most benefit, you need to choose the right raw materials for its preparation. Healing properties are both white and ordinary, and red onions. It is important to remember that the husk has coloring properties, therefore it is necessary to apply it carefully. Blondes, for example, do not even need to rinse your head with red onion.

Onion husks from hair loss

It contains substances that contribute to the acceleration of blood circulation. This allows to improve the blood supply of the hair follicles. The latter begin to receive a large number of nutrient components, to function actively. Due to this hair follicles are strengthened. For this onion hull for hair against hair loss and is used. The results of the application of the remedy can be seen after 2-3 procedures.

Onion husks for hair growth

Nutrients, activating the work of follicles, and the growth of hair affect. Useful ingredients from a correctly functioning bulb fall into curls. Due to this, not only the hair growth is accelerated, but also the general condition, appearance improves. The use of onion husks for hair is undeniable: after application of her curls start to shine, become strong and strong.

Hair coloring with onion husks

Strengthening, stimulating growth, treating dandruff , fungus - onion husks for the hair is extremely useful. She also paints effectively, but at the same time gently, without harming locks. It is best to notice the coloring of hair onion husks on the owners of light hairstyles. Color as a result of the procedure turns golden and shiny. Regular stains perfectly mask gray hair . Means of husks and brunettes can be used, but the change in shade on dark hair will be more difficult to notice.

Can I color my hair with onion husks?

It is important to understand that the result of staining with such a means differs from that obtained after visiting a hairdresser. Yes, the coloring of hair with onion peel is evident, but the color lasts not so long, which, however, is compensated by the health of the curls. You can use the tool to almost everyone. It rarely causes allergic reactions and favorably affects the condition of the hair and scalp.

The onion hull for hair is simply prepared. When preparing, it is important to consider which particular shade you would like to receive as a result of staining:

  1. 50 g of raw material gives a light golden shine.
  2. Light brown shade will come from 60-70 grams of husk.
  3. A product made from 100 g of onion raw material will give a bright red-orange shade.
  4. It will be possible to achieve a dark chestnut color with a 3-liter saucepan, almost completely filled with husk.

How to paint hair with onion husks?

The procedure for painting is simple. Previously onion husks, useful properties of which are described above, in the right amount for 15-20 minutes boiled over medium heat and filtered. After that, the staining should take place in several stages. Here's how to dye your hair with an onion peel:

  1. Before coloring, it is advisable to wash your head and remove any contaminants from the curls. This will help to ensure a uniform distribution of the pigment and, as a result, give an even color. To enhance the effect, it is better to use shampoo on a natural basis.
  2. To the hair does not stain and scalp, it is recommended to lubricate the protection - olive or linseed oil, for example.
  3. The product should be evenly distributed among the locks. The hue will be more saturated if you rub the coloring composition.
  4. After processing the entire head, it needs to be wrapped with polyethylene and a warm towel from above.
  5. Onion husks for hair coloring should be held in ringlets from 30 minutes to 2 hours. The exact time is chosen depending on the color of what intensity I would like to get in the end.
  6. The head should be thoroughly washed under warm running water and preferably dried in a natural way. In this case, it is advisable not to use shampoo.
  7. To maintain the tone of such procedures should be done every 2 to 3 days.

Shellfish - recipes

A good result can be obtained only if a quality onion husk for hair is used. When collecting and harvesting raw materials, you need to take into account several important nuances:

  1. The onion peel should be clean. It can not have spots, mold marks, rot.
  2. It is best to prepare the means for hair suitable "old" onions. In the skin of this contains more nutrients and pigment.
  3. Useful only dry husks - from the upper layers.
  4. After removing the petals from the bulb, it is desirable to dry them for several hours so that no moisture remains in them.
  5. The husk is stored for an unlimited amount of time. Keep it preferably in a bag or tightly closed container.

Broth of onion hull for hair

The main recipe for decoction


Preparation and use

  1. Sheluk and leaves are mixed in one container and filled with water.
  2. Put mixture on the fire and bring to a boil.
  3. Cook the broth for about 10 minutes.
  4. After the liquid has cooled, drain it.
  5. Rinsing hair onion peel should be done 2 to 3 times a week. The product should not only treat the hair, but also the scalp.

Decoction of onion husk to strengthen and improve hair


Preparation and use

  1. Sheluch with the leaves to grind and mix in one vessel.
  2. Pour the raw material with water and put on fire.
  3. Bring to a boil and maintain the mixture in this state for about an hour.
  4. Ready to put in the dark for several hours.
  5. Rinsing hair with a decoction is recommended 2 - 3 times a week.

Tincture of onion hull for hair

Such a tool accelerates the growth of hair. It's just cooking and using. To make infusion of onion hull for hair, it is necessary to pour the raw material with warm boiled water in a proportion of 1: 2 and put in the dark for 10-12 hours. Alcohol tincture is prepared similarly, but instead of water, alcohol is used, and the remedy is not for several hours, but three weeks. You need to store both, in an opaque container.

Mask for hair from onion husk

Prescription means


Preparation and use

  1. Decoction pre-cool and add to it all other components.
  2. Mask of onion husks against hair loss is applied to unwashed hair for 30 to 40 minutes.
  3. It should be washed with shampoo.
  4. To achieve the best result, masks are recommended for at least a month.

Carnation and onion hull for hair

Prescription of a remedy


Preparation and use

  1. Carnation put on the bottom of the jar.
  2. Up to the top, fill the container with a husk.
  3. Pour dry mixture with vodka.
  4. Close the jar and store in the dark for 10 - 12 days. After a day, it is advisable to shake the medium
  5. Strain the tincture and store in the glass in the refrigerator.
  6. Apply a slightly warmed tincture before washing your head.
  7. The mask needs to be wrapped in polyethylene and a warm towel and hold for 1-2 hours.
  8. You can wash off the product with usual shampoo.
  9. Hair after onion husks cease to fall out and become soft, obedient.

Onion husks and oak bark for hair

Hair treatment with onion husks and oak bark


Preparation and use

  1. Oak bark mixed with onion peel and pour water.
  2. Put the product on fire and leave it to languish for about an hour.
  3. The resulting broth filter and cool.
  4. The agent should be applied and wrapped around the head with polyethylene and a towel.
  5. After two hours, wash the mask in the usual way.