Hair in the nose can not be removed - put commas

People are constantly trying to get rid of excess hair on the body, especially women. Such a cosmetic defect as prominent hairs in the nose seems to be the least problem, because they are easy enough to remove with ordinary tweezers for a few minutes. But few people think about the possible consequences of such a procedure and how this affects the health of the body.

Why do I need hair in my nose?

The organ through which a person breathes, and therefore the air enters the lungs and the blood is saturated with oxygen, is the nose. It is logical to assume that the hairs in it grow not simply and are not an unnecessary element. Medical studies have long confirmed their necessity: hair in the nostrils perform protective functions.

  1. First, they detain dust particles from the surrounding air and fine dirt, which can damage the mucous membranes.
  2. Secondly, the hairs in the nose prevent the penetration of the respiratory tract of viruses, microbes and pathogenic bacteria. This is especially true during epidemics, when it takes a long time to be surrounded by sick people, for example, in the workplace or in public transport.
  3. Thirdly, hair in the nostrils contribute to reducing the effect of toxic substances on the human body. Sometimes it saves from poisoning. In addition, recent studies in the field of medicine have shown that people who prefer not to remove hairs in the nose are 3 times less likely to develop asthma than others.
  4. Fourthly, behind the visible line of hair growth there is one more row of them, of smaller size, but of greater density. They are called cilia and are constantly in motion. These hairs ensure the retention of the smallest harmful particles and molecules, and the subsequent envelopment of their mucus, which then is rejected during sneezing or cleaning the nose. Thus, hair removal in the nose increases the load on the cilia, provokes allergic reactions, increases the risk of penetration of pathogenic microflora into the upper respiratory tract and maxillary sinuses.
  5. Fifth, hairs in the nostrils play an important role in the winter season. They increase the friction of cold air with inspiration, and this contributes to its some heating. Moreover, the hairs retard moisture and protect the mucous from freezing.

How correctly to remove hairs in a nose?

If you still decided to get rid of visible and noticeable hair in the nostrils, then you should choose the least safe way. Immediately it is worth noting that the rapid pulling of hairs by the usual tweezers in front of the mirror carries a considerable threat to health. During the plucking on the surface of the mucosa, microscopic wounds are formed, into which pathogenic bacteria from remote hairs can penetrate. This will lead to inflammation and development of purulent processes, as well as the ingress of harmful organisms into the blood.

The simplest method of getting rid of hair in the nose is to cut them. For such purposes, you can use special equipment, for example, a trimmer, or a conventional manicure scissors. Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to disinfect with any alcohol solution and the hairs themselves, and the instrument.

Another simple way is to go to the salon to a cosmetologist. The master quickly and practically painlessly can remove hair by means of a special wax which does not freeze completely and does not injure a delicate skin in a nose.

Longer-term results can be achieved by electrolysis. The procedure consists in destroying the hair follicles by means of an electric current. Several sessions allow you to get rid of this cosmetic problem completely and for a very long time.