Inflammation of the gum near the tooth

Most of the most serious people do not take an inflammatory gingiva. Although in fact this problem requires attention, and in some cases even serious treatment. At the initial stages, the inflammation of the gum near the tooth does look harmless, but still experts recommend reinsuring and, when seeing the first symptoms of the problem, go to the dental office.

Causes of inflammation of the gums near the tooth

The most common cause of inflammation of the gums are harmful bacteria, accumulating in soft dental plaque. If it is cleared in a timely manner, then microorganisms can not do any harm to their health. But if you do not pay attention to the plaque for a long time, it can turn into a hard tartar, which is more difficult to clean off, and the harmful microorganisms contain much more, and on top of all has undesirable pressure on the gum.

There are other causes that lead to inflammation of the gums near the tooth:

  1. In some patients gums inflame against diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. A common cause is an insufficiently strong immune system and a lack of vitamins in the body.
  3. Dentists are not in vain against smoking. Their experience makes it possible to state with confidence that smokers have gums that are inflamed much more often than people who lead a healthy lifestyle.
  4. With inflammation of the pockets of the gums, virtually all women experience pregnancy. This is due to the restructuring of the organism and the hormonal disruptions occurring in it.
  5. Sometimes problems with the gums begin against the background of taking some medications: contraceptives, antidepressants, antihistamines, antibiotics.
  6. Often enough, gums become inflamed because of a wisdom tooth that needs to be overcome a considerable distance before it can surface. This phenomenon can be compared with the growth of teeth in children.
  7. Specialists had to deal with such cases, when the inflammation was caused by a hereditary predisposition.

Symptoms of gum disease around the tooth

The first symptom that signals problems with the gums is their bleeding. Most painful sensations, he is not accompanied, so most people do not pay attention to him, believing that the blood appears due to careless brushing of teeth or minor mechanical damage. Neglecting this way, the patient gives her the opportunity to develop, and after a few months the gums can become very red and begin to flake off the tooth. At the same stage, an unpleasant odor from the mouth usually appears.

Other symptoms include:

Treatment of gum disease near the tooth

To choose a treatment, first of all, you need to determine the cause that caused the inflammation:

  1. If there is a problem in the formation of plaque or tartar , treatment should begin with a professional cleansing.
  2. Irritating gums or a crown or an urgent need to be replaced.
  3. Inflammation, which has arisen against the background of internal disease, will pass by itself, when the ailment is cured.
  4. It is more difficult with inflammation of the gum near the wisdom tooth. It will pass as soon as the tooth has erupted. You can also cope with the painful sensations accompanying inflammation, analgesics, herbal rinses and special pastes.