Sensitivity of teeth

Unfortunately, people with absolutely healthy teeth are very few now. Caries, plaque or microcracks on the enamel torment almost everyone. The increased sensitivity of the teeth is a sign that the teeth are not all right. This problem can appear even in those who try to constantly observe hygiene, brush their teeth twice a day, use a special thread and rinse aid. In the article we will tell about the main reasons for the appearance of the problem and methods for its prevention.

How does hypersensitivity occur?

The increased sensitivity of the teeth is called hyperesthesia. This problem can appear in adults and children. Often, pain occurs during the exposure of the stimulus to the surface of the tooth and continues for several seconds. The appearance of acute pain while brushing your teeth or inhaling cold air on the street is a sure sign of tooth sensitivity. If the pain does not stop for a long time, it means that its cause is not in hyperesthesia - most likely, a problem in the inflammation of the dental nerve.

To date, there are three degrees of tooth sensitivity:

  1. The first, characterized by painful reaction to cold or hot.
  2. Hyperesthesia of the second degree is diagnosed when, in addition to the temperature stimuli, the teeth are adversely affected by sweet, salty, sour or spicy.
  3. Mandatory treatment is required in the third form of hypersensitivity teeth. In this case, the tooth tissue reacts to all kinds of stimuli.

Causes of high sensitivity of teeth

The causes of hyperesthesia can be different. Here are the most common of them:

  1. Damage to the enamel due to eating foods with high acidity, eating away the tooth surface of drinks or medicines.
  2. Very often hyperesthesia develops in smokers.
  3. Sometimes the sensitivity of the teeth appears after the filling.
  4. Quite common reasons - the mechanical processing of teeth (as before the installation of the crown , for example) and the erasure of enamel due to a heavy load.
  5. Disorders in the metabolism, infectious diseases, pregnancy, toxicosis, nervous and psychological disorders - all this can also affect the condition of the teeth and cause hyperesthesia.

How to reduce the sensitivity of teeth?

In fact, preventing the development of hyperesthesia is much easier than curing it. Observance of several simple rules will save many problems in the future:

  1. Teeth require special care, which is why a toothbrush, as well as toothpaste, should be chosen with particular care. The brush should be with soft bristles, and the paste composition - specially designed for teeth with increased sensitivity.
  2. Brushing your teeth is necessary, making movements up-down and left-right. It is necessary to get to the inside of the jaw.
  3. Do not forget about taking vitamin C. In order not to think about how to reduce the sensitivity of teeth, you should regularly eat citrus fruits or vegetables.
  4. The thread for the teeth will effectively remove even the smallest pieces of food.

Treatment of tooth sensitivity by folk remedies

Of course, modern pharmacology means against hyperesthesia, among which gels, and pastes, and ointments, can offer a huge amount. And yet the methods of folk medicine are closer to the body. Here are the most common ways to treat hypersensitivity of teeth:

  1. Chamomile infusion calms and anesthetizes. A tablespoon of dried flowers should be poured a glass of boiling water and let it brew for an hour.
  2. A well-known folk remedy for tooth sensitivity is a decoction of oak bark . To make it you just need a tablespoon of dry bark to pour a glass of water.
  3. Saves from warmth and warm milk.