Ceramic veneers - how to get a Hollywood smile in the shortest time?

Appearance in modern society is given so much attention. Not the last meaning is given to a smile. It creates a first impression of a person and gives him a sense of confidence. However, not everyone can boast of a Hollywood smile. To correct the same situation will help ceramic veneers. Modern medicine is able to create real miracles.

What is ceramic veneer in dentistry?

These are microprostheses that look like thin plates. They are used to give teeth a certain shape and color. Due to the fact that innovative technologies are used in the process of producing microprostheses, these plates look natural. Prosthetics with ceramic veneers - this is a gentle alternative to crowns with an aesthetic defect of the incisors.

Such procedure is recommended to be performed in the following cases:

  1. The color of tooth enamel has changed. Due to the use of certain drugs, the incisors can be painted in a pink or reddish hue. In addition, the color of teeth changes with a high content of fluoride in water.
  2. Too much width between the incisors. The same microprosthesis helps to level the height of the teeth.

They have ceramic veneers and contraindications to use. These include the following:

What is the difference between composite veneers and ceramic veneers?

These microprosthetics differ significantly from each other. Composites are considered "straight". They are installed in one visit to the doctor. The technique of restoration of teeth consists in layer-by-layer application of a composite on a surface. As a result, the microprosthesis is fixedly attached to the "tissue" and detachment is impossible. The material admirably emits enamel, so the veneers are completely different from other teeth.

Ceramic micro-prostheses (they are also called porcelain) are made in special laboratories, taking into account pre-made measurements of the patient. Finished decorative plates are fixed on the surface of the restored teeth with the help of a special "glue". When choosing composite or ceramic veneers, the patient should ask the doctor in detail about the advantages and disadvantages of these microprostheses. After analyzing the information received and listening to the recommendations of the dentist, it will be easier for him to make the best decision.

Composite and ceramic veneers - which is better?

An objective examination of the comparative characteristics of such microprostheses will help to sort out this question. Since the advent of composite veneers they have been used as an alternative to ceramic plates. However, such microprosthes can visually hide only minor defects. They can be used rationally in the following cases:

However, only restoration with ceramic veneers will help to hide the following defects:

Veneers - the pros and cons

"Straight" microprosthetics have such advantageous features:

This type of microprosthesis has its drawbacks. The most important are the following cons:

Ceramic veneers have the following advantages:

The disadvantages of ceramic veneers are less pronounced than in composite "direct" microprostheses. The most significant of these is the high cost of restoration. In addition, the disadvantage is the fact that the installation of decorative plates can not be made at a time. At the first visit, the dentist prepares teeth and makes an impression, and a temporary veneer is attached to the surface of the incisor. When the doctor visits the doctor again, the installed microprosthesis is removed, and permanent décor is fixed in its place.

Installation of ceramic veneers

The whole process of microprosthesis can be conditionally divided into several stages:

  1. Clinical. The dentist conducts diagnostic procedures (examines the oral cavity) and selects the tone of the microprostheses. The tooth itself has 3 different zones: basal, basic and cutting area. Each of them has its own shade, so the task of the dentist is to find a universal option.
  2. Laboratory. According to the made prints decorative plates are made. This makes the technology of ceramic veneers as close to natural teeth and high-quality.
  3. Clinical. At this stage, the microprosthesis is first tried and then installed.

The turning of the tooth under the ceramic veneer

This procedure is carried out with the installation of direct and indirect microprostheses. Provide ceramic veneers preparation, which is represented by the following stages:

  1. Application to the surface of transverse furrows.
  2. Sewing approximally sides.
  3. Forming a cutting edge. At this stage, the grinding is carried out at a depth of 1-2 mm.
  4. Treatment of the palatal region.
  5. Finishing stitching, which removes all sharp edges.

Fixation of ceramic veneers

After turning the surface of the teeth, the doctor proceeds to fix the microprostheses. Fixation of veneers simultaneously affects 3 sites:

These surfaces differ from each other in chemical composition, therefore, for a strong fixation, special treatment of each of them is required. The veneer is fastened as follows:

  1. The decorative plate is covered with hydrofluoric acid. As a result of this operation, the pores appear on the surface of the microprosthesis, which in the future will provide a good coupling.
  2. Restored tooth is treated with an abrasive component.
  3. A special acid is applied to the surface of the cutter for 15 seconds.
  4. The tooth is covered with a primer and dried. Then it is applied "glue".
  5. The back side of the decorative plate is covered with a fixer, and the veneer is attached to the restored tooth. The speaker "glue" is removed.
  6. Surface grinding and polymerization is carried out.

Ceramic veneers - service life

The operating period of such decorative plates is longer than that of composite microprostheses . The service life of ceramic veneers is more than 20 years. However, only those patients who adhere to the following recommendations can count on this:

Is it possible to fix already delivered ceramic veneers?

The doctor can perform a partial turning of these decorative plates, but we are talking about minor corrections. All corrections must be made before installation (at the fitting stage). Provided that the dentist is a real jeweler, there is no need for further correction after installation. This is vividly demonstrated by ceramic veneers - photos before and after.