Gedelix - syrup for children

When it comes to treating a child, every mom tries to choose not only an effective drug, but also the safest. Recently, the trust of caring parents was won by Gedelix syrup for children. This is the medicine most often prescribed for coughing by pediatricians. The thing is that the drug has a sparing effect on the body and is absolutely natural. In addition, as a sweetener in the syrup is sorbitol, and not sugar. Therefore, the drug is safe even for children with diabetes.

Composition of syrup from cough Gedelix for children

The main active substance of the drug is an extract of ivy leaves. This medicinal plant is rich in vitamins A and E, tannins, pectin, resin and organic acids. However, the main value is represented by saponins and iodine - they are present in the leaves of the plant in huge quantities. It is these substances that have an antibacterial effect, thereby preventing the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the human body. Also, the extract of ivy leaves promotes normalization of respiration and cough reduction. An important auxiliary component of the drug is star anise oil.

The absence of sugar, fructose, ethanol, preservatives, and dyes in the composition of the drug makes it possible to use Gedelix syrup for the treatment of cough in children up to the year beginning with birth. For infants, dilute the preparation with water before use.

Effect of the drug

A cough syrup for children Gedelix is ​​very effective in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which are accompanied by a cough, for example, with bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, bronchial asthma, bronchial spasm.

Many mothers are interested in the question of what kind of cough you can take Gedelix syrup to children. It should be noted that this is a "two in one" drug. On the one hand, it contributes to the dilution of sputum and its rapid release from the lungs, so it is often prescribed with a wet cough. On the other hand, the medicine is an excellent remedy against dry cough. Relaxing the muscles of the bronchi, Gedelix contributes to the relief of breathing. In addition, due to its antibacterial properties, the drug restores the microflora of the respiratory system.

Instructions for use

How to take Gedelix syrup to children, you can find out from the attached instructions. But, as a rule, doctors adjust the dosage depending on individual characteristics. If the doctor did not suggest a treatment regimen, the dose of Gedelix syrup for children up to one year is 2.5 ml once a day. After a year, the dosage increases according to the age category of the child:

The drug is also used for inhalations. In this case, it is bred in half with saline, for the procedure use a nebulizer.

Gedelix syrup analogues for children

If the drug at the right time is absent from the pharmacy, the question arises as to how to replace it. The most popular analogue of Gedelix is ​​a drug called Prospan. Its main component is a dry extract of ivy leaves, which means it has the same action: expectorant, mucolytic and spasmolytic.

As for the price policy, the cost of the drugs is almost the same, although in some pharmacies Prospan costs a little more than Gedelix.

Among other analogues of Gedelix syrup, it is possible to distinguish Lazolvan and Erespal preparations . They have a similar mechanism of action. Which of them is most effective and safe in a particular case depends on the course of the disease and the presence of side effects.