Beer yeast from acne

Brewer's yeast is a fungus that is involved in the fermentation process. Most people they are known as an additive that is used in the food industry: thus, the creation of all known bakery products, wine products and brewing is not without the participation of these unicellular fungi.

However, brewer's yeast is also used in cosmetology: if you consider their composition, then there will be no doubt about the medicinal properties of this material, because such vitamins as B1, B2, PP, B6 and E, favorably affect the skin. In addition to these vitamins, brewer's yeast contains protein, pantothenic acid, biotin and choline.

What are the benefits of brewer's yeast?

The beneficial effect of brewer's yeast is due to their unique composition: it is hardly possible to find a similar natural product that contains the same combination of nutrients.

  1. B vitamins increase the protective functions of the skin, accelerate the renewal of cells and have a weak antioxidant effect.
  2. Vitamin PP (or nicotinic acid) improves blood microcirculation, so that skin cells with blood receive the necessary nutrition.
  3. Vitamin E is called the main vitamin of female beauty: it is due to its normal amount in the body that the skin becomes elastic, the hair is strong, and the nails acquire a healthy shine.
  4. Pantothenic acid allows the skin to be smooth and moist: that's why when there is a lack of vitamin B5, early wrinkles appear.
  5. Choline - also a representative of the B group, which contributes to the overall recovery of the skin. When taken orally, it relieves it of redness and flaking, and when applied externally it has a similar effect, but in a lighter form.
  6. Biotin is vitamin H, it is found in large amounts in the yolk, and, as is known, yolk-based masks are very favorable for hair and skin. In medicine, it is used to restore the skin of a person and animal hair.

Thus, it can be said that brewer's yeast is a storehouse of vitamin B, and therefore they can be useful only in the field of medicine, but also in cosmetology.

Choosing: Which brewer's yeast is better?

This product exists in two forms: liquid and dry. Dry brewer's yeast is more convenient to use, but they lose some of their qualities during processing, as the environment of the existence of the strokes dehydrate.

Nevertheless, today's pharmaceutical capabilities allow the creation of such yeasts, which even in dry form are very effective for some time.

Liquid yeast is more effective, however their shelf life is very short, and is about 7 hours.

Brewer's yeast for the face can be used both in liquid and dry form: to create masks it is convenient to use dry yeast because of their longer shelf life.

If yeast is used inside, then it is better to stop the choice on their liquid form.

Using brewer's yeast for skin

Brewer's yeast can be mixed with any ingredients that enhance their effect.

Mask from beer yeast on rye flour

Take 25 g of yeast and dissolve them in water. Add rye flour to the mixture in the amount to produce a thick creamy mass. After that, the mixture should be infused for a day in a warm place. Then the prepared mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. To get rid of pimples and improve the complexion, this procedure should be done 2 times a week for a month.

Brewer's yeast from boils

To get rid of furunculosis, it is recommended to take brewer's yeast inside: within a month take the mixture - yeast (25 g), diluted in 1 glass of water for 1 tsp. 4 times a day.

Brewer's yeast from acne

Beer yeast from acne can be used both inside and outside. Eels are effective masks on yogurt and yeast: take 15 g of yeast and dilute them with yogurt so that a thick mass is obtained. Then allow the product to infuse in a warm place for 3 hours, after which the mixture is applied to the face for 30 minutes and then rinsed off with warm water.

Brewer's yeast - contraindications

Brewer's yeast has no contraindications, since they are a natural non-toxic substance.