Gingiva was inflamed

Gums are the tissues that cover the teeth in the neck area. Inflammation of the gums occurs quite often, and if in the initial stages it can proceed almost asymptomatically, then in the future often there are such symptoms as:

Such a problem can develop due to various reasons: insufficient oral hygiene, lack of vitamins, untreated caries, the presence of various chronic diseases, etc. Also, often the gum inflames under the crown, after treatment and removal of the tooth, when injured by various objects or food. What to do in a situation when the gum is inflamed and sore, what to rinse and what methods can still be used for self-treatment, we will consider further.

What to do at home if the gum has inflamed?

In the case where there is no way to contact the dentist for qualified advice and treatment, you should begin treatment at home to stop the progression of the pathological process.

The most accessible, widespread and sufficiently effective medical method for inflammation of the gums is rinsing with solutions that have anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, hemostatic and analgesic effects. An excellent means for rinsing are decoctions of the following medicinal plants:

Rinse should be done as often as possible, but at least three times a day, with the solution should be moderately warm. Herbal rinses are recommended to alternate with rinses with pharmacy antiseptic solutions (especially if there are signs of suppuration), which include:

Very effective in diseases of the gums are saline and soda solutions, which can rinse the mouth. It is also recommended to use special toothpastes, beneficial to the gums, - Lakalut, Paradontax. From the drugstore drugs are effective for applying to the gums:

They should be applied to the affected area after rinsing and drying the gums with a soft paper towel.

Treatment of inflamed gums in the dentist

For adequate treatment in cases where the gum inflames, it is required to find out the exact cause of the pathological process. Sometimes, to eliminate inflammation, surgical intervention can not be avoided - for example, it may be necessary to dissect the gingival tissue and install a rubber drain to remove accumulated purulent masses. In more severe cases, part of the gum is removed.

With strong pain, prescribe analgesic drugs:

Quite often, with a marked inflammatory process of a bacterial nature, a short course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed with the use of one of the following systemic drugs:

An important procedure in the treatment of inflamed gums is the removal of accumulated on the surface of the teeth of soft and hard deposits in which a pathogenic microflora is present. It should be done regularly to prevent relapse. Patients with inflamed gums are recommended to include more foods containing vitamin C in the diet, to abandon bad habits and to visit the doctor more often.