Shea Butter

Dry, flaky skin, a constant sense of discomfort and despair from the unsuccessfully chosen cream? A familiar problem for many of us, especially in the winter. Fortunately, there is a way out, and this shea butter is the best moisturizer in the world. It contains triglycerides and fatty acids, which help protect against external negative effects, while producing gentle hydration and skin regeneration by stimulating the synthesis of collagen.

It is a curative remedy from Central Africa and has the status of a "golden miracle", which in ancient times was treated for the ailments of the skin and scalp. History says that even Cleopatra herself used this miracle cure. Shea butter has a pleasant and light aroma, and it is extracted from nuts growing on trees - long-livers, whose age is more than 300 years. It is interesting to note that Africans find application to everything that remains of the production of oil, which again attests to its value.

Properties of Shea Butter

The properties of shea butter directly depend on the method of its production, in our time two of them are known - traditional and with additional processing. In the first case, it has a subtle odor and a green, slightly brownish hue. In the second case, undergoing heat treatment, filtration and deodorization, the oil partially loses its useful properties, but at the same time its color becomes bright and saturated, it is such a product we often see on the shelves of cosmetic shops.

If you are faced with a number of problems such as:

then, the most rational way out of the situation is the use of shea butter.

Want to feel an emollient touch, which has wonderful nutritional properties - use shea butter for the face. Everyone who has at least once felt the action of the "African miracle" himself, will no longer be able to abandon the tempting venture to do it again. It should be added that it can be safely used for the hypersensitive skin, which reacts negatively to cosmetic preparations. Shea Butter has not only a miraculous cosmetic effect, but is used in various fields. For example, it is used for food and serves as a source of fats for Africans.

Cream with shea Butter

To make a cream with shea butter enough to melt it in a water bath to a very liquid state in the amount of two teaspoons, then adding 4 teaspoons of almond oil. After this, remove the composition and stir until it cools, and then add 3 drops of chamomile oil and 2 drops of lavender oil. Do not forget that shea butter is hard and melts only with little heating, including touching your hands.

Masks with shea Butter

If you have weak and thin hair - use a mask for damaged hair with shea butter. For this we need:

Melt a little butter, then add vitamins, a teaspoon each and 5-6 drops of sandalwood. We emphasize that the actual shea butter will be on vacation, as it forms a barrier to the skin and hair from salty sea water.

If you have dry and fading skin, use the recipe for a toning and nourishing mask with magic shea butter:

Take a dry peel of lemon, egg yolk, a tablespoon of lemon flour, mix everything thoroughly and cover with a lid for 20 minutes, then add 1 teaspoon of shea butter. The recipe is very simple, and the effect will not take long.

We wish to receive a sea of ​​pleasure and truly taste the temptation of the "African miracle."