The jaw hurts from the left side

With pain in the jaw from the left or right side to the dentists, patients are treated very often. It is important to understand that this is just a symptom and there are many reasons for its appearance. In most cases, with dentistry, they are completely unrelated.

Why can the jaw hurt on the left side?

You will be sincerely surprised to learn which factors can lead to the appearance of painful sensations and a crunch in the jaw:

  1. If the jaw hurts constantly over a long period, it is likely that the problem is in the wrong bite .
  2. Delivering discomfort can also be wearing braces. However, in this case the pain is completely justified and means that the design really helps to align the teeth and bring the bite back to normal.
  3. The jaw on the left side can hurt very much because of the growth of the wisdom tooth. This process is often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. Someone raises the temperature, and someone suffers with a crunch and pain in the jaw.
  4. Sometimes soreness is a sign of carotidinia. In this case, the ailment extends to the part of the lower jaw and neck and is strengthened with pressure.
  5. Often, complaints of burning pain in the lower jaw on the left side diagnose arthritis or arteritis of the facial artery. Accompanying such diseases, as a rule, joint stiffness, tinnitus and dizziness.
  6. A common problem is neuralgia. It can suffer from guttural, lingopharyngeal, trigeminal and other nerves. Because of the disease, pain appears in the left side of the jaw when the mouth is opened. Characterized by unpleasant sensations as harsh and very intense. Sometimes neuralgia provokes a cough and profuse salivation.
  7. To hurt and jump the jaw on the left side during chewing and during a conversation can with good and malignant tumors. Symptoms of ailments are usually not very pronounced.
  8. Another couple of possible causes - abscesses and phlegmon - are diseases that lead to suppuration in soft tissues. In addition to pain, there are swelling, redness, bad breath.

What if the jaw hurts from the left side?

The most important thing is to determine the cause of soreness. Eliminate discomfort can only recover from the underlying ailment. For the time being, anesthetics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will help alleviate the condition. In some cases, it is advisable to use local analgesics.