Lumineers on teeth

The dream to have a charming and snow-white smile without having to endure painful procedures in the dentist's office is quite feasible. You just need to ask the doctor to install lumineers on your teeth. These are the plates that are glued to the outer surface of the dentition similar to the veneers. However, they are much thinner, only 0.2 mm (like contact lenses), therefore, no preliminary turning of the enamel is required.

Lining alignment of teeth

One of the main indications for the installation of Hollywood veneers, as the ceramic plates under consideration, is the curvature of the dentition. With the help of these devices you can hide such defects, lengthen the teeth, make them wider and more even, give the ideal shape.

To achieve these goals, it is important to properly produce lumineers for crooked teeth. Therefore, the whole process of transformation takes about a month, during which the patient needs to visit the dentist 3 times:

Absolutely all described plates are made by the patented technology of special ceramics Serinate.

Installation of lumineers on the front teeth with diastemes and triemas

The gaps between the teeth are a common problem, because of which many people are embarrassed to smile. Ultra-thin lining can solve it instantly and painlessly.

With the help of lumineers, it is easy to hide both diastemes and trembles, as the use of a ceramic plate allows you to make the teeth wider and hide unaesthetic gaps.

In addition, the overlays in question are used to eliminate:

Tooth whitening with lumineers

Finally, the presented technology helps to get a snow-white smile. Even high-quality and long-lasting teeth whitening does not always provide the desired result. For example, this procedure is not able to remove stains and yellowing of the enamel from taking some antibiotics, the effects of fluorosis (prolonged intake of fluoride and its compounds into the body).

Lumineers completely hide such defects, but they themselves do not darken under any influences. Also ceramic plates serve as an excellent alternative to bleaching for fans of coffee, black tea, red wine, smokers with experience.