Why do my teeth hurt?

The reasons for the toothache are quite a lot, but not all of them are associated with diseases of the oral cavity. Often this symptom is a sign of pathologies of the maxillary sinuses, pharynx and even diseases of the nervous system. Accordingly, before the therapeutic measures should be established, why the teeth hurt. It matters not only the nature of unpleasant sensations, but also the duration of the syndrome, its localization and severity.

Why do teeth hurt from sweet or cold?

If the described state occurs in response to any irritating factors, whether taking hot or cold, sweet, salty, acidic foods and beverages, hard food, most likely, there is damage to the tissues of the teeth. The most likely diagnoses in such situations are:

The listed diseases, as a rule, are accompanied by accompanying signs, often - an increase in body temperature.

Why does the tooth ache after removal of the nerve and under the seal?

After visiting the dentist, it is quite logical to expect the disappearance of pain and any unpleasant sensations. However, in some cases, discomfort remains, and sometimes intensifies. This does not mean that the doctor has not approached his duties well.

With the removal of nerves, the filling of canals and cavities of the tooth, the therapy of periodontitis and other pathologies of the oral cavity, the pain syndrome persists for the following reasons:

These factors cause quite tolerable pain, it passes by itself for 1-8 weeks and does not require special treatment.

Why do my teeth hurt with cold and flu?

Neither ARI nor ARVI are capable of provoking toothache. The pathology under consideration arises against the background of concomitant pathological conditions and complications of infectious diseases:

Especially intense pain syndrome is observed in purulent inflammatory processes.

Why do all your teeth hurt at once?

The causes of such a strange disorder are not related to the pathologies of the teeth or gums, they can be as follows: