How to remove the swelling from the face?

Edema of the face is an unpleasant symptom, which in most cases does not signal a serious danger to health.

Often, everyone experienced this condition when the face has a puffy look - this may be due to an excess of fluid in the body, a violation of the hormonal background, or due to trauma. Accordingly, the method of getting rid of the edema depends on what it is called, and then we will consider the most common causes of this symptom, and also tell you what to do if the face is swollen.

How to remove the swelling from the face after a bruise?

With a tissue injury, the first reaction is a swelling in the area of ​​damage. This is due to the fact that in the damaged tissues there is an outflow of fluid (lymph, tissue fluid, blood), and therefore there is a small swelling that increases in the first hours after the injury.

To remove the swelling from the face, you must:

  1. First of all, attach something cold to the place of damage. The best option is ice or a metal object placed for 1 minute in the freezer.
  2. Then, after the cooling compress, the site of the injury must be treated with Troxevasin. The agent has a venotonic and anti-edematous effect. This helps not only to remove the swelling, but also to reduce the manifestation of the consequences of the impact - a bruise.

Lyoton gel also helps to relieve swelling, but it is more conducive to preventing bruising, rather than reducing swelling.

Another gel, which is designed to treat the skin after a bruise - Dolobene gel. This remedy as well as Lyoton gel helps prevent bruising, and also has anti-inflammatory effect.

How to remove allergic edema from the face?

Allergic edema of the face can occur with Quincke's swelling . This is a dangerous symptom, as the process can affect the pharynx, and in this case there is a chance of suffocation.

It is necessary to urgently inject an antihistamine - Suprastin. If the edema persists, then in this case the help of specialists is needed - in some cases, a dropper with glucocorticosteroid preparations (for example, with Prednisolone) is indicated.

You can also use an antiallergic ointment that soothes the itch more, rather than removes the edema - Fluorocort, Flucinar.

With permanent swelling of the face shows cleansing of the intestines with the help of sorbents - Lifferan, Enterosgelya.

Diprospan is used only under medical supervision, and is shown in severe critical cases.

How to remove the swelling on the face after the operation?

After surgery, swelling can remain very long, and the time count can be measured not by days but by months.

To accelerate the regeneration processes, it is shown to carry out physioprocedures.

Also for the removal of edema in this case is shown the preparation Maalavit, which belongs to the naturopathic group. It is used externally in the form of compresses several times a day.

How to treat swelling of the face with excess fluid in the body?

If the edema is caused by excessive consumption of liquid or salty foods, then in this case it is recommended to take a diuretic alone - Diacarb. Constantly use diuretics can not, because it can lead to disruption of the heart.

If the cause of edema is unknown, then it is better to take a neutral homeopathic drug - Lymphomyosot. It improves the outflow of lymph, and this can contribute to the removal of edema.

How quickly to remove the swelling from the face?

Quickly remove the swelling from the face, if the cause is not allergic and not a bruise, you can use a diuretic. This is the easiest and quickest way to get rid of the problem.

How to remove the swelling of the face with hypothyroidism?

In hypothyroidism, one of the main symptoms is the puffiness of the face. To eliminate this, it is necessary to normalize the hormonal balance - none of the above means will not help fix the problem of hypothyroidism until the hormonal balance and metabolism are restored.