"Goose paws" under the eyes

One of the first messengers of skin aging are specific wrinkles around the eyes, called "crow's feet". They give a lot of trouble to the ladies, since young and young faces appear early and fairly mature.

The causes of the appearance of "crow's feet" around the eyes

It's no secret that with age, the production of collagen decreases, and the skin loses its elasticity, but when this happens it is programmed at the genetic level. And yet, there are a number of factors that can speed up the appearance of a network of wrinkles around the eyes. The main ones are cosmetologists:

No less significant for the appearance of the skin are such factors as: ecology (air purity, water), emotional state (frequency of stresses, depressions) and addiction to alcohol and cigarettes.

Prevention of "crow's feet"

Proceeding from the above, in order to prolong the youthfulness of the delicate skin around the eyes, the following rules should be adhered to:

  1. The skin should receive a sufficient amount of moisture due to quality cosmetics and home masks. Required makeup. It is unacceptable to wash the eyes with alkaline or antibacterial soap .
  2. When removing makeup, use soft cotton pads and avoid sudden movements. Do not rub eyes.
  3. The diet must be diversified with foods rich in vitamins A, E, B, D. Alcohol and smoking, which is particularly harmful to the skin, should be discarded.
  4. To "crow's feet" in the corners of the eyes did not appear before the time, you need to be out in the fresh air far from roads and industrial facilities, it is good to get enough sleep, to avoid stress.

How to remove the "crow's feet" in front of your eyes?

Among the ways that beauticians offer in the fight against a wrinkle net, the most effective are:

  1. Contour plastic - a special gel containing a hyaluronic acid (a key component of the human body tissues) is injected into the problem area with a needle. This creates a lifting effect , and the crow's feet under the eyes are smoothed.
  2. Botox is an anti -wrinkle agent based on botulinum toxin type A, which does not need to be introduced into the zone of the outer edge of the eye; the effect of the procedure lasts about six months.

To less radical methods of fighting "goose paws" are masks and applications based on vegetable oils (2 teaspoons) and parsley broth (100 ml). However, these drugs are relevant at a stage when wrinkles are barely noticeable.