Face lifting

To combat skin weaknesses, facial lifting procedures are used. Lifting can be performed both by non-surgical methods, with the help of certain cosmetic procedures, and with the help of plastic surgery.

Endoscopic lifting

Surgical procedure, gradually coming to replace the full-fledged plastic surgery for facelift. In this case, the operation is performed using several minimal incisions, in places that are not visible (in the mouth, or the scalp). In the incisions, endoscopic technique is introduced, the picture from which is displayed on the monitor screen, and the necessary intervention is performed.

Tightening of threads

Another surgical method of tightening, whereby threads from a special absorbable (absorbable) material, or surgical (implantable) threads are inserted through the micro cuts under the skin. Such a thread is provided with special cones, by means of which the fibers of the subcutaneous tissue are engaged and pulled into the desired position.

Radiofrequency (radio wave) lifting

Cosmetology procedure, in which the warming of the face and neck with the help of electromagnetic radiation of a certain frequency. A special gel is applied to the skin cleansed from cosmetics, and then the treatment is performed with the aid of an apparatus that generates electromagnetic radiation. As a result, the skin of the face is microheated, the production of hyaluronic acid is stimulated, the formation of collagen fibers and the stimulation of contractions already available. The course is designed for 8-10 procedures, but the visual effect can be observed after the first session. The skin becomes more taut and elastic, the pore sizes are reduced. After the procedure, it is useful to apply rejuvenating and moisturizing masks.

Contraindications for the conduct of radio wave lifting are the presence of fresh skin lesions, skin inflammations, pregnancy, the presence of a pacemaker in the patient.

Ultrasonic lifting

The term is in some way prefabricated, because ultrasonic lifting is sometimes referred to as the tightening procedure, by heating with waves of a certain frequency, and the Ulthera System technology, which is a substitute for surgical facelift, by modeling the face contour with clearly focused ultrasonic pulses.

Laser lifting

This procedure is more appropriately called laser peeling, because due to the treatment of the skin with a laser, its "grinding" occurs, the surface layer of the skin is removed. After removing a part of the cells, the skin begins to actively regenerate, its cells actively produce collagen fibers.

With the right approach, choosing a good specialist, the procedure can be quite effective, but do not believe fairy tales that the effect will appear instantly and without consequences. All the same evaporation of a part of the cells is a traumatic procedure, and recovery after it will take at least a week. In the early days, redness and exfoliation of the skin are possible. Hypersensitivity of the skin may occur, which lasts for several months. Similarly, people with a tendency to acne may have an aggravation of acne.

Other methods

  1. Stimulation by microcurrents, to accelerate tissue regeneration and improve skin metabolism
  2. Serums for lifting - means for tightening and rejuvenating the skin. Apply to the cleansed face, and give an immediate effect holding for several hours.
  3. Photorejuvenation - is achieved by exposing the skin to intense pulsating or infrared radiation.
  4. Facial massage, manual or vacuum, improves blood circulation, restores tonus of facial muscles and removes toxins.