Antimulylerov hormone and pregnancy

Antimulylerov a hormone is a special substance which is developed in ovaries of the woman from a birth and up to approach of a menopause. This hormone allows you to assess the state of the reproductive function of a woman, and directly depends on both health status and age. When planning pregnancy and searching for the causes of infertility, this hormone allows you to understand what condition the hormonal background is in, and whether there is a need to take additional medications in order to guarantee pregnancy.

Antimulylerov a hormone - for what answers?

In fact, this hormone is responsible for ovulation and conception . Without it, in the woman's body, there are no important changes that are necessary for the birth of a child. While this effect on this hormone, scientists can not yet, because he indicates a decrease in the ovarian reserve of the ovaries, it does not lend itself to influence. And this means that the pathologically low level of this hormone can become a verdict. Unfortunately, even with ECO Antimillers, the hormone, or rather its low level, can have a negative effect on the course of the procedure.

The norm of Antimyuller's hormone in women

In women, normal values ​​of AMH range from 1.0-2.5 ng / ml. A significant decrease in this level suggests that the reserve of ovaries has already been exhausted, and natural conception is very difficult. Low antimulylerov hormone and pregnancy, unfortunately, are not considered physicians compatible situations.

In each specific case, whether a pregnancy is possible with a low antimiller hormone, the doctor should say. There are various situations, in addition, there are laboratory errors. Only after a comprehensive examination of the woman's body can we say that the probability of natural pregnancy is extremely low for her and it is necessary to look for other methods.