Bechterew's disease - treatment

To date, despite advances in medicine, it has not been possible to find a way to completely defeat Bekhterov's disease - the treatment is reduced to alleviating the symptoms and partially restoring the mobility of the spine. Recent research in this area is aimed at finding the possibilities of operative therapy.

Can Bechterew's disease be cured?

Absolutely eliminate the pathology is not yet possible. The fact is that physicians and scientists have not yet discovered the factors triggering autoimmune processes that provoke the development of the disease.

There is a theory that the definition of damaged cells in the genome will help prevent the transmission of the disease by inheritance and prevent the development of aggressive cells. At the moment, studies of this version, as well as trials of experimental methods of therapy are continuing.

Methods for treating Bechterew's disease

The approach to combat the disease must be comprehensive. It includes:

Severe stages of the disease involve the use of glucocorticosteroid hormones, in particular - prednisolone, immunosuppressive drugs and antidepressants.

Preparations for the treatment of Bechterew's disease (painkillers):

It should be noted that a constant intake of the listed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can lead to addiction and their further inefficiency. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically change the analgesic, approximately once every 2-3 months.

Immunosuppressive drugs:

A new direction in the treatment of Bekhterev's disease suggests including in the scheme of biologically active modifiers of immune response processes, such as Infliximab, Rituximab, Adalimumab. These drugs prevent the formation of protein protective cells of immunity, suppressing inflammation, but not affecting the healthy body systems.

Treatment of ankylosing spondylitis with stem cells

Even such a progressive line of medicine can not completely cure pathology. The use of stem cells is the introduction of material from the spinal cord into the intervertebral articulations of the patient. The concentration of cells is selected individually according to the degree of development of the disease.

The application of this method is possible only in large foreign clinics and is quite expensive. The procedure is performed several times to reach the required number of stem cells in the damaged area.

To consolidate the results and stop the development of the disease, it is necessary to take additional medications and exercise.

Treatment of Bekhterev's disease in women by folk remedies

The effectiveness of non-traditional methods is high exclusively at the initial stages of the disease. As a rule, local funds are most effective.

Analgesic Ointment:

  1. In 100 ml of alcohol dissolve 50 g of camphor and the same amount of mustard powder.
  2. Beat 100 g of fresh egg white.
  3. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients.
  4. Rub the product into the painful areas before going to bed.


  1. In equal proportions mix wine alcohol, vegetable sunflower oil, turpentine and camphor.
  2. Insist the agent within 72 hours.
  3. Saturate the gauze with a solution and apply to the diseased area, cover with cellophane, warm it with a cloth.
  4. It is advisable to leave the compress for 8-9 hours.