Lump in the throat - causes and treatment

The sensation of a lump in the throat is a very unpleasant and uncomfortable feeling in which a person experiences squeezing in the throat or larynx, difficulty in swallowing and passing air through the respiratory tract. It can also be difficult speech, burning, perspiration, neck pain, dry mouth, increased salivation, choking and other pathological symptoms. Such a state can occur suddenly, be felt periodically or permanently for a long time. Let's consider, for what reasons there can be a sensation of a lump in a throat, and what treatment thus it is required.

Probable causes of lump in the throat

Consider the factors that most often provoke the appearance of this unpleasant symptom.

1. Stress, a depressive state

Severe excitement, nervous breakdown, fear, fright - all this can cause a lump in the throat. Most often this problem occurs in emotionally unstable people and is episodic. This sensation is associated with a spasm of the muscles in the throat in response to a psychoemotional shock, while the person also usually experiences dry mouth, lack of air, and a cold sweat appears from him.

2. Panic Attack

A sudden attack of unexplained severe anxiety, fear, a feeling of inner tension that can result from a disorder of the autonomic nervous system or other diseases, can also be accompanied by a lump in the throat. In addition, such manifestations as palpitation, numbness and tingling in the extremities, nausea, confusion of thoughts, pain in the heart, etc., may also be present.

3. Diseases of the thyroid gland

Developing or progressive dysfunction of the thyroid gland, often caused by a shortage of iodine in the body, can be manifested by the sensation of a lump or foreign body in the throat. It can be associated with an increase in the gland in size, its inflammation, the formation of goiter , the appearance of malignant tumors in its tissues. Other manifestations in this case may include: sweating, digestive disorders, sudden changes in body weight, irritability, etc.

4. Inflammatory pathologies in the throat

Chronic or acute inflammation of the mucous larynx, pharynx, nasopharynx, tonsils, epiglottis, etc., which develops due to infectious and non-infectious factors, is accompanied by swelling of the tissues, which can create a sensation of lumps. Also, similar pathologies are accompanied by the formation of mucus, which can thicken and accumulate. As a rule, there are other signs of the disease: sore throat, worse when swallowing, fever, headache, etc.

5. Neoplasms

Benign and malignant tumors, papillomas and some other formations are often localized in the larynx, oropharynx, and trachea. Their characteristic manifestations are just the sensations of a lump or foreign body in the throat, difficulty in breathing and swallowing, soreness.

6. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Often the sensation of a lump in the throat is associated with problems with the spine, localized in the cervical spine and causing circulatory difficulties. Care must also accompanying manifestations: pain in the neck, occipital part of the head, blood pressure jumps, dizziness, nausea, etc.

5. Gastrointestinal pathology

If the sensation of a coma in the throat is accompanied by symptoms such as heartburn, burning sensation in the mouth, a sour taste, belching, discomfort in the abdomen, nausea, then, most likely, the problem lies in gastroenterological disorders. In particular, it may be associated with gastroesophageal disease.

Treatment with a sensation of a coma in the throat

Given the variety of factors that can provoke the discomfort symptom in question, there is no general mechanism for treatment, and an accurate diagnosis is needed first. So, treatment of a constant lump in the throat due to osteochondrosis , includes medication and physiotherapy techniques.

Treatment with a lumpy lump in the throat, whose causes are associated with inflammation and swelling in the throat, can be based on the use of antibacterial, mucolytic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

And if a lump in the throat is caused by problems with the thyroid, it is often recommended prolonged treatment with hormonal drugs, iodine preparations, and sometimes - surgical intervention.

The main thing that it is worth remembering is that one should not look for causes independently and start treatment of a lump in the throat at home, folk methods, it is better to immediately contact a qualified specialist.