Sore throat without fever

In a number of cases, severe pain arises in the throat, it is difficult for a person to swallow and even talk, and the temperature remains within normal limits. There are many factors that cause such symptoms.

Why does my throat ache and it is difficult to swallow without fever?

  1. Pharyngitis is often called the occupational disease of educators. It is caused by inflammation of the pharynx, and often occurs without a rise in temperature. In this case, it is painful for a person to swallow and even talk. This is due to a constant load on the vocal cords, when they are constantly tense and irritated.
  2. Catarrhal angina . This disease is not characterized by an increase in temperature, if the human immunity is weakened, but causes severe pain in the throat.
  3. Often and for a long time the throat at people inclined to an allergy hurts. Different allergens irritate the mucous throat, causing pain. The temperature of the body remains normal.
  4. When a person's nasal breathing is disturbed, he is forced to breathe through the mouth. Cold and polluted air has a negative effect on the throat. In this case, the throat hurts without raising the temperature.
  5. Inflammatory processes in the teeth and gums, such as stomatitis and caries , spread the infection all over the throat, provoking pain when swallowing.
  6. Cigarette smoke and alcohol-containing beverages are strong irritants of the mucous throat and can cause sore throat.
  7. Sore throat and swallowing without fever can occur during an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive tract, respiratory system and nasopharynx.

If the pain in the throat without a temperature lasts a long time, becoming chronic, or often repeated, this may indicate the presence in the body of other, more complex diseases:

  1. Getting into the throat of a foreign body causes severe pain without the temperature when swallowing.
  2. The initial stage of oncological pathologies is characterized by pain in the throat at normal temperature.

In such cases, do not delay the visit to the doctor. In time, the correct diagnosis will help prevent the development of these complications.

Treatment of sore throat without fever

In each case, starting with the treatment of sore throat, first consult with your doctor. If you can not, immediately go to the doctor, then reduce the pain in the throat, when the temperature is not increased, will help various means of traditional medicine:

  1. It will be appropriate to steam inhalation and gargling with tinctures of calendula, sage and eucalyptus.
  2. Not a bad effect will have a hot foot bath.
  3. To relieve the painful symptom, an abundant warm drink in the form of tea from lime or mint with honey will be helpful.

Acquiring medications to relieve the pain symptom in the throat, choose reliable and proven means:

  1. Good help to reduce sore throat tablets for absorption Septupryl, Septotelet, Neo-Angin, Fiord's trochees, aerosols for inhalations Kameton and Inhalipt.
  2. It is recommended to rinse frequently with Thuracilin, Furasol and Chlorophyllipt.