Bioptron - indications for use

Among the advanced technologies of hardware medicine, light therapy plays a special role. It is based on the innovative device of the Swiss company Zepter called Bioptron - indications for use include a wide range of diseases of internal systems of the body and dermatological pathologies, diseases of muscles and joints.

Indications for use of the device Bioptron

The essence of the effect of the apparatus under consideration is that the light beam is polarized, creating a flux of photons with the same directivity. Therefore, the use of Bioptron for light therapy produces three proven effects:

Thus, the described device can be used to treat the following disorders:

In addition, indications for the use of Bioptron allow it to be used in cosmetology to combat wrinkles, flabbiness of the skin, intense hair loss and alopecia. The effectiveness of the device in the elimination of cellulite, striae and stretch marks is proved, especially in the early stages of development.

Treatment with Bioptron Lamp

Depending on the specific diagnosis, the severity of the disease is prescribed from 5 to 20 sessions of light therapy, the duration of which varies from 1 to 8 minutes. You can use the device daily, 1-3 times a day. The consolidation of the obtained results and the strengthening of the therapeutic effect is achieved by a repeated course, which is usually conducted after 14-15 days.

The nuances of light treatment consist in such rules:

  1. Do not move the beam during the procedure.
  2. Pre-clean and degrease the skin in the area of ​​exposure with a solution of Light Fluid or Oxy Spray.
  3. Be sure to strictly observe the specified time frame.

In addition, you can purchase a set of filters for color therapy using Bioptron. These devices are handmade from glass. The use of filters allows to stimulate the processes of self-healing, to strengthen the work of the energy centers of the body.

Application of the Bioptron at home

The device is manufactured in 3 versions:

All models can be used at home. The difference is that the first two types of apparatus are large in size and are well suited for influencing large areas of the body. They are equipped with floor and table stands, installed in any position. The compact version allows you to perform procedures only on small areas, but it is convenient to hold it in your hand, take with you on trips.