Carbuncle - treatment

Inflammatory skin process called carbuncle can cause tissue necrosis, accompanied by darkening and development of infiltrate. It is because of the dark color that the disease got its name, "carbunculus" in Latin means "coal". Many believe that this skin abscess is like a boil , but without proper treatment, carbuncle can cause much more serious damage to health, as it affects not only the deep layers of the dermis, but also the muscles.

Can I carry out carbuncle treatment at home?

If the disease is diagnosed in the first days after the onset of development and the causative agent is the standard strain of Staphylococcus aureus, it is quite permissible for outpatient treatment. In this case, the patient should carefully follow all the prescription of the doctor and once a day appear in the hospital for dressing. It is not recommended to conduct this procedure independently. There are several factors that are an indication for hospitalization:

If you manage to detect the disease at the stage when several inflamed hair follicles develop around which a consolidation develops, in the future forming a carbuncle, treatment with folk remedies can also give good results. At this stage, the treatment of furuncles and carbuncles passes almost identically:

  1. The patient should be kept bed rest and carefully monitor hygiene.
  2. It is possible to use local antiseptic means - tinctures of calendula , green diamond.
  3. The means that strengthen immunity, the collection of herbs, and multivitamin complexes are used.
  4. In place of boils and carbuncles can be applied compresses from plantain and sweet.

If during the first 2 days of such treatment the reverse process did not go into the development of the carbuncle, it did not diminish in size, The inflammation progresses, and the pain increases, you should immediately seek medical help.

Treatment of carbuncle in hospital

If the carbuncle is on the face, the treatment also takes place in the hospital. Here are the main tools that can be used by a doctor: