Is it possible for a nursing mother to have apricots?

Such a fruit, like apricot, has in its composition a lot of useful microelements and vitamins. Among these are potassium, iron, iodine. Of vitamins, apricot contains: C, B1, A, PP, B2.

As, in fact, all fruits, apricots can cause allergies, so the nursing mother often asks if she can eat them. Let's try to understand and answer this question.

Can I breast feed apricots?

As a rule, doctors do not forbid women to use this fruit when breastfeeding. However, at the same time, doctors say that certain conditions must be met.

First, to include apricot in your diet, nursing mother can only when the baby turns 2 months old. Earlier this age is strictly prohibited from eating allergenic foods because of the high probability of developing an allergic reaction from the crumbs organism.

Secondly, when the baby is already growing up and it becomes possible for a nursing mother to eat apricots, do not immediately consume them in large quantities. Doctors recommend starting with 1-2 and observe the lack of reaction to the baby's body, in the form of redness, blisters and rashes. If they suddenly appeared, it is necessary to show the child to the pediatrician, and to exclude the apricots from the diet completely.

Thirdly, even if the child's allergic reactions to this fruit are absent, this does not mean that the mother is allowed to eat them in unlimited quantities. 300-400 grams per day will be enough to enjoy them.

If we talk about whether it is possible for a nursing mother to make a compote of apricots, then, as a rule, doctors do not forbid the use of such a drink. It is best if it is freshly brewed, because when stored can accumulate various products released during heat treatment.

What can be useful for apricot nursing women?

Having figured out whether it is possible to have apricots of a nursing mother, it is necessary to say that in addition to gastronomic pleasure, a woman can experience the useful action of apricots. So this fruit is able to:

Thus, as can be seen from the article, the useful properties of apricot allow the young mother to recover more quickly after birth, supplying her body with a large number of trace elements and vitamins. However, one should not forget about the sense of the measure and the need to monitor the lack of reaction from the body of the baby.