Cherry berries - useful properties

Berries of bird cherry since ancient times have been used by folk medicine to treat a variety of diseases, but most people are wondering whether bird cherry berries really have useful properties, or, on the contrary, they can harm our body.

Useful properties and contraindications berries bird cherry

So, let's consider more in detail the healing properties of berries of bird cherry:

  1. Have an astringent and antibacterial property.
  2. Very effective infusions of berries bird cherry with angina and stomatitis . Gargle and throat such infusion is recommended three times a day.
  3. Broths from berries bird cherry help to fight various sexual infections in women. Broths are used in the form of douching, but before carrying out such procedures it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.
  4. Rubbed berries, when applied to a purulent wound, contribute to its disinfection and rapid healing.
  5. Cherry berries help to get rid of diarrhea and fight with a variety of stomach infections.
  6. Bird cherry is an excellent fortifying agent, which increases the protective functions of the body and helps to cope with avitaminosis
  7. The compote of these berries acts as a sedative.
  8. Regular use of berries bird cherry significantly enhances the male potency.
  9. Infusion of berries is an excellent tool to help get rid of purulent conjunctivitis, it is enough only regularly, for a week to rinse with this infusion of the eye.
  10. Despite such healing properties, bird cherry berries are not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers. The fact that these berries can cause the tone of the uterus, which is fraught with interruption of pregnancy, also bird cherry can provoke the strongest allergic reaction.