How was Alexander Panayotov lost weight?

Alexander Panayotov is an artist with an experience and a lot of familiarity with the project "People's Artist", where he took second place. Never thin and weighted 106 kg, on the teleproject "Voice" he came a completely different person and today his weight at the height of 190 cm is 86 kg. According to the artist himself, in a new body he feels more than magnificent. How to lose weight Alexander Panayotov - in this article.

Why did Alexander Panayotov lose weight?

The artist was inclined to fullness always. To keep himself in shape, he said, he was helped by the lack of food in the fridge. Of course, because of the tight schedule, there is always the temptation to intercept on the run something wrong from the point of view of rational nutrition, so the unloved to cook Alexander was saved only by empty shelves in the refrigerator. Until recently, he did not even eat breakfast in the morning, and if he allowed himself a snack, it is very rare. The more food in the refrigerator, the stronger the desire to destroy it all, so the singer preferred that there was only a minimum of necessary products.

This state of affairs suited him for a while, and he did not think much about how nutrition affects his life. However, at some point the artist came to the persistent conviction that such a life would simply drive him, and shaky health will not allow him to develop his career. He bet on proper nutrition and sport - that's what diet Alexander Panayotov lost on a diet. The very word "diet" makes the singer bored. He, like many representatives of show business today realized that the food should be rational and balanced, not limiting in anything, but one that would be easy and comfortable to adhere to all life.

Principles of nutrition and how much has Alexander Panayotov lost weight?

Alexander Panayotov lost a lot of weight - he dropped 20 kg! He emphasizes that this happened without the participation of any tablets, dietary supplements, drugs, alcohol, etc. First of all, he refused fast food , half-finished products and other food in vacuum packaging with a long shelf life. The actress is convinced that only freshly prepared dishes should be present in the ration, at the same time there must be both the first and second on the table, as well as the porridges that infect the organism with energy and provide it with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Now the singer does not skip breakfast and tries to sit at the table at the same time, so that the body is ready to process food. He gets slightly hungry from the table, not allowing himself to overeat, but at the first urges of the stomach immediately eats something from vegetables or fruits, fermented milk products. Food should be at least five times a day, and this together with snacks , so do not treat them so lightly. In addition, fruits and vegetables contain fiber, so necessary for normal intestinal peristalsis, and sour-milk products, rich in useful bacteria, also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system.

Alexander began to drink more fluids, but use less salt, as well as refractory fats. Most of the necessary fats he receives from vegetable oils, and carbohydrates from cereals, rather than baking and baking. Proteins occupy a special place in his diet, because he does a lot - swims, attends the gym. The photographs show how his muscles were tightened, his face was haggard and this obviously had a positive effect on the artist's appearance - he no longer looked like a chubby boy, but became a mature and self-assured man. It remains only to wish Alexander success in his career and stay exactly as we know him today.