The ceiling in the bath - which is better for a steam room?

From the observance of the conditions for the arrangement of a bath, the creation of the right microclimate inside it depends. The ceiling in the bath plays an important role. It should keep heat, do not get wet from condensation and do not lose shape from steam. The right choice of material, competent stage-by-stage arrangement of it is necessary for the durability of the ceiling and the good functioning of the bathhouse as a whole.

The device of a ceiling in a bath

Extreme conditions inherent in the bath, require special arrangement of its internal surfaces. The peculiarity of the bath ceiling and the basic requirements for it are as follows:

  1. It must have high thermal insulation properties.
  2. The heater must be protected from moisture.
  3. The ceiling in the bathhouse should be very strong.

As for the methods of installing a bath ceiling, there are three options:

  1. Panel, when the ceiling is mounted from the prepared shields. They consist of load-bearing beams, hydro-, steam- and heat insulation, internal cladding and an external gangway from the attic side. These boards need to be assembled in advance, after which they are tightly mounted to each other, and the joints between them are covered with an elastic waterproof gasket. It can be felt with a foil or polyethylene liner.
  2. False ceiling in the bath. In this case, first the ceiling is lined with a lining. Then it is laid insulation layers: steam, heat and waterproofing. After that, the ceiling is again covered with boards. It turns out that all the insulation layers are securely covered from two sides by the lining. Installation of such a ceiling is easy to implement even by one person. The only nuance is the high cost of the shell materials.
  3. Flooring bath ceiling. Its installation is even simpler than in the case of filing. Choose this option for small baths without an attic space. The technology of its laying consists in the fact that first on the upper edges of the internal walls are mounted the boards, knocked down in the shield, a layer of vapor barrier and a heater is laid on them. If in the role of insulation you have chosen expanded clay, on the contour of the wooden flooring it is necessary additionally to provide wooden guard rails.

What ceiling height should be in the bath?

Typically, the height of the bath from floor to ceiling is 2.4-2.5 m. Optimal specifically for you, the height of the ceiling in the bath is determined as follows: on the top shelf of the steam room should be comfortable sitting the tallest member of your family in the bath hat, while head to the ceiling. Another way to determine what height of the ceiling you need: for grooming broom lying on the top shelf of a person must have enough space for a full swing by hand of who this broom holds. And do not forget to add 10-15 cm to the shrinkage of the timber or wooden bath.

How to insulate the ceiling in a steam bath?

Warming of the ceiling is almost the main event. Knowing how to properly insulate the ceiling in the bath, you will save time on heating the steam room. To heat the sauna will need less fuel, and to maintain the desired temperature in the process will be easier. Materials that are often used for this purpose:

  1. Mineral wool. The most popular heater, and the reasons for this are many: it is durable, fireproof, it is easy to assemble and it perfectly keeps the heat. To insulate the ceiling with mineral wool in the bath, you need a roll of basalt wool with a thickness of 10 cm.
  2. Penoizol. More economical in comparison with cotton wool version. It also holds well the heat, filling all the cracks and voids, is at the same time environmentally friendly and completely safe material. Minus penoizol - in the impossibility of local repair of small sections of the ceiling. It will take a complete removal of the insulation, which is a laborious process.
  3. Expanded clay. Lightweight granular material that keeps the heat well. For a good thermal insulation effect, a layer of at least 30 cm is required.
  4. Sawdust with clay. The most budgetary option, but very laborious. The mixed clay is laid in a layer of 3 cm on the deck from the attic side. When it dries, wood chips or sawdust is laid on top and all covered with dry sand. It turns out cheap, reliable and environmentally friendly heat protection.

Waterproofing of the ceiling in the bath

Hydro and steam insulation of the ceiling in the bath is an equally important stage of construction. The vapor barrier material is placed under the insulation, that is, on the boards between the ceiling beams. Waterproofing the same material is laid on the heater from the attic. Only this sequence of layers provides comprehensive protection of the insulation from moisture and steam, prolonging its service life and preserving its properties.

Than to process a ceiling in a bath?

If everything is clear with the sequence of layers, then the question as to what to cover the ceiling in the bath so that the waterproofing is at the proper level remains open for the time being. Specialists recommend the following options as a waterproofing material:

  1. The foil material. It simply attach to the beams with a construction stapler. It reliably protects against moisture and at the same time its cost is quite acceptable.
  2. Polyethylene film. You need to choose the most dense and strong. When installing it, it is important that all edges and joints are securely insulated.
  3. A thin concrete screed. The extreme case, if you want to insulate a small roof area of ​​the bathhouse without an attic space.

Finishing the ceiling in the bath

Often, for finishing the ceiling in the bath use variants with lining of lime, cedar, larch, aspen and other types of wood. This natural material has healing properties, increasing the benefit of being in a therma. In this case, you need to monitor the quality of wood. It should be well dried, cut and sanded. There should not be any chipping and knots on it.

Stretch ceiling in the bath

Thinking over what ceiling to make in the bath, some stop at the PVC stretch cloths . To prevent the film from suffering from temperature changes and adequately resisting high humidity, it is necessary to choose an especially strong material for a stretch ceiling. At cost, it will be more expensive, but you will end up with a beautiful and durable coating that will hide all unsightly communications and uneven ceilings. The only time - do not forget to equip the bath with a hood.

Ceiling in a bath of wood

The ceiling in a classical bath is often performed using a bar made of natural wood. When the whole sauna is made of wood, the ceiling in the steam room is also logically to be finished with similar material. The bars in this case are used for the construction of a panel ceiling. They play the role of load-bearing structures, to which all layers of heat-, hydro-vapor-insulators and finishing finishes are attached.

Ceiling in the bath from the lining

The most common material for the ceiling in the bath is a lining . Another name is the skin panels. This universal version of the finish is easy to implement. The ceiling, trimmed by the lining, is breathable, visually it looks smooth and beautiful. After the lining of the ceiling, the lining does not need anything to process. Stain, lacquer and other paintwork materials, when heated, will evaporate harmful compounds into the air.