Chicken broth

In the recipes below, we will talk about how to cook chicken broth and how to cook the first dish from it, which will appeal not only to adults, but also to children.

Recipe for chicken broth

This recipe will help to answer the question of how to boil broth from chicken, and not its individual parts, and most importantly what to do with the resulting yushka.



The chicken should be thoroughly washed before preparation, sent to a pan and poured with water, then put the dishes on the fire and cover with a lid. There, also, to the chicken, it is also necessary to add pepper, whole onion and salt.

While the soup boils, you can do carving and carrots. When the vegetables are cut into rings, they also need to be sent to a pan.

Once the broth boils, you need to remove the foam, make fire less and cook the chicken for another 60-80 minutes, until ready. The time of cooking chicken broth largely depends on the size and quality of the chicken. Poultry, for example, is cooked for an hour longer than a regular chicken, and the broth from it is more savory and tastier.

10-15 minutes before you turn off the fire, you need to add noodles to the broth, and before serving, cooked chicken should be divided into portions.

The recipe for a clear broth



Many housewives know how to prepare the first, but not everyone knows how to cook a transparent broth. This is exactly what our next recipe is.

This broth is prepared exclusively from poultry and has a special taste, which is impossible to repeat when using a chicken.

So, before cooking the washed bird should be filled with water and left in a pan for 1-1,5 hours. After that, the liquid must be drained, pour the chicken with a new portion of cold water and put the pan on the stove.

While the pan with the chicken is heated, it is necessary to peel the carrots from the peel and wash the bulb, but leave it in the husk. Vegetables should be sent to a pan, add the laurel leaf, pepper and spices to it and close the dishes with a lid.

Due to the fact that our chicken spent several hours in the water, when cooking it will give out very little foam that can be removed in a minute. When the water boils, the fire should be reduced and boil the broth for another hour. Again, the cooking time of chicken broth, especially if you cook it from a whole domestic chicken, depends largely on its size.

An hour later, you should check the readiness of the bird and, if necessary, cook it for another 15-20 minutes. When the chicken is cooked, the onions and carrots must be discarded, and the resulting clear broth can be used to make soup or other dishes.

Chicken broth with egg

Preparation of chicken soup with egg takes about 90 minutes of time.



Meat must be washed, pour cold water, add bay leaf, whole bulb and whole peeled carrot to the pan, and send it to the stove. While the broth is boiling, you can do the rest of the ingredients. When the soup boils, you need to reduce the heat and cook the chicken for another 50-60 minutes.

Eggs must be cooked in a separate bowl and allowed to cool, then cleaned and cut into two pieces. In each portion of the broth, half of the egg and sliced ​​greens are added.

The boiled broth can later be used to make okroshki or noodle soup .