Chickenpox in children - the main signs of the disease, treatment and prevention

Varicella, known as chickenpox, is found, for the most part, in children. The disease appears due to the virus from the herpes family and it can be infected by airborne droplets. After chickenpox, the children form a lifelong immunity, and smallpox can no longer subvert the health of your child.

Symptoms of chicken pox in a child

The main symptom of the disease is itching and rash all over the epidermis. They are accompanied by their headache, fever and fever. To recognize the presence of the virus yourself, you should know what chickenpox looks like in children. Even diagnosing the disease, treatment should appoint only a doctor. In children, smallpox often manifests itself in mild form, without complications.

Chickenpox temperature

The temperature of the baby's body depends on the type of chicken pox. The simple form does not cause sharp changes, so the rise to 37.5 ° C is the maximum, but cases with a slight form of smallpox are rare. Especially often there is chicken pox in children of moderate severity. The body temperature rises in proportion to the appearance of vesicles on the body, and reaches 38 ° C. If there is a serious form of ailment, a high degree in the baby appears before the rash, reaching 39-40 ° C.

One of the symptoms is the high temperature with chickenpox in children, - how many days it will hold depends on the severity level of the ailment. Elevated body temperature (up to 38 ° C) can be observed for 2-4 days if the mark has risen to 39 ° C - the fever period will last about a week. If the temperature of the child has risen higher than 39 ° C, - it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Rash with chickenpox

The herpes virus, which causes the disease, provokes the appearance of red dots resembling a bite of an insect. After the baby rises the temperature, and the tubercles turn into blisters filled with liquid. This lasts about 4-5 days, then they burst, erosion occurs, and all the wounds are covered with a crust. It is always important to know the symptoms of such a disease as chickenpox, what a rash on the body looks like, and how the ailment will behave. It is very important not rash to rash to avoid infection in the wound, and there are no scars left. Trauma to the blisters can lead to a new wave of rashes.

Chickenpox in mild form in children

Babies in kindergarten age are susceptible to infection, but easily suffer the course of the disease. In mild form there is windmill without temperature, children have minimal amount of rash on the skin, there are no complications. If your child has such a degree of severity, then the ailment lasts 7-10 days. All you need to do to your parents is to show the baby to the treating doctor, get a list of medicines and blister the blisters with green, fucorcin or other remedy.

The incubation period of chickenpox in children

From the moment when the virus only got into the body, until the day when the first symptoms appear, a small amount of time passes, which is called the incubation period. The main question: when there is chicken pox in children, how many days does this period of time last? The standard number of days: 7-21. No less than a week, but it can take up to a month.

Stages of the incubation period:

  1. Elementary. Keep counting from the moment your baby was in contact with the carrier of the virus. For a number of days, the ailment will adapt to the conditions of the new organism and begin to manifest itself.
  2. Secondary. The number of viral cells increases dramatically, and the ailment begins to affect the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, and later infects the remaining parts of the body.
  3. Final. Chickenpox in children infects blood and spreads through all cells. At this stage, the virus affects the baby's skin and provokes the first major symptom: a rash. The organism fights against the disease, protective antibodies are produced.

When is chickenpox contagious in children?

About how chickenpox is transmitted to children, you should know every mom, so that your baby does not get infected from sick children, or he does not infect others. The illness in the incubation period is not dangerous for others, but can be contagious in some periods:

How to treat chickenpox in children?

Before starting treatment of chicken pox in children, preparations for use should be agreed with the doctor in advance. List of common means:

  1. Calamine is able to remove itching, soothe irritated areas of the skin and dry the wounds. This drug can be used even when infecting the smallest baby.
  2. Fukortsin has many advantages: it dries faster than green, and also helps in the prevention of re-infection when combing. The remedy should be gently applied in case of illness of children under 12 years old.
  3. Chickenpox in children of medium or severe form requires the use of Acyclovir. The drug blocks the virus, reduces its activity, the drug reduces the acute period of the disease.
  4. Eruptions in the oral cavity of the baby need another means, the above can not be used. With blisters on the mucosa, Miramistin copes well, they should rinse the mouth at least four times a day. If you have a baby, then moisten the pacifier in the solution and give it to the baby.

Chickenpox in children - treatment at home

If the baby does not have a serious form of the disease and the doctor did not prescribe treatment in hospital conditions, then it is possible to save the child from an ailment and at home. Take care of the bed rest for nine days, linen on the bed should be changed as often as possible, and the body must be changed daily. Give the child more fluid, eliminate sour, salty and spicy from the diet.

When treating chicken pox at home, spots on the body are treated mainly with green, if the rash on the mucosa - rinse with antimicrobial agents. To bring down the temperature, use Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. Aspirin should not be given to babies, so as not to increase susceptibility to Reye's syndrome. Do not give the youngster the opportunity to comb the wounds: prune short nails or put on the handles of cotton gloves. Strong itching occurs because of profuse sweating, so do not put the child in a warm blanket.

Parents ask: is it possible to walk with chickenpox in children? Good weather outside the window and lack of temperature in the baby allow you to spend time outside. A certain amount of time in the fresh air and under the sun will favorably affect the state of the child. Be sure to remove contacts with someone on the street so that the baby does not infect others and does not catch any infection with weakened immunity.

What smear of chickenpox in children, except zelenki?

Moving away from the usual solution of diamond green, which was used by our grandmothers, you can find a lot of drugs that relieve the symptoms. Knowing how to treat chickenpox in children other than zelenka, you can choose the drugs from itching, based on their characteristics and effectiveness:

Than to remove an itch at a chicken pox at the child?

Eliminating the itching, you will calm the baby, saving him from the desire to scratch the wound and from possible scars on the skin after the illness. You can make a bath with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, but the answer to the question - whether it is possible to wash with chickenpox in children - will be negative. After taking a bath, do not rub the baby with a towel, but just dab. Antihistamines will relieve a child of itching, but before using it is better to get advice from your doctor:

Before smearing chickenpox in children by any means, carefully read the instructions to the drug, and better, as with other drugs, ask the doctor that it is more suitable for the baby. The best ointments and creams for itching in children:

Complications after chickenpox in children

Chicken pox sometimes can give certain complications to the baby's body. In general, the ailment can "turn around" in the form of a bacterial or infectious exacerbation. At the first sight, bacteria can enter the body of a child through wounds on the skin, because of dirt under the fingernails or on the hands. After penetrating into the sore, the infection will continue to develop on the skin or get into the blood and disperse into the body. The consequences of chickenpox in children of an infectious nature arise from the defeat of internal organs by the virus.

Prevention of chicken pox in children

Chickenpox in children develops with weakened immunity, so to reduce the risk of disease to a minimum, you need to strengthen health. If this "barrier" is weakened, the virus will instantly penetrate the baby's body and the development of the disease will begin. Vaccination is recommended, this is necessary for those children who have not yet experienced this virus. Repeated chickenpox in children is an exceptional case, after all, immunity after a previous illness is saved for life. But this is true for those kids whose protective system is strengthened and functions properly.