The child has a headache

Headache (cephalgia), as you know, is one of the most difficult to bear and strong. What to do if this type of pain occurs in babies. If a child often has a headache, this can lead to his general poor health, irritability, fatigue and retardment. But you can not solve this problem, just giving your son or daughter pain medication, because you need to eliminate the cause, not its consequence. Pain sensations are just a signal that something in the body went wrong.

Does the child have a headache?

Always, when a child complains that the head is hurting, one should treat his words with the greatest degree of seriousness. Your main task is to find out why the child has a headache. If the complaints are repeated, then you need to act very decisively.

Many parents can not determine when babies show cephalalgia. Indeed, only those boys and girls who can speak and understand their body can tell about it. In other cases, you only have to guess about the causes of sudden crying, restlessness and whims, as well as vomiting, sleep disturbances and strong regurgitation.

Why does the child have a headache?

If the child has a headache, the reasons can be as follows:

  1. Organic (due to infections in the head: encephalitis , meningitis , cysts, tumors or disorders of the outflow of cranial fluid).
  2. Functional (due to a violation of blood supply to the brain due to diseases of internal organs, general fatigue or other diseases that lead to irritation of pain receptors in the vessels of the head).

When a child has a strong headache, it can be associated with acute respiratory viral infections, kidney infections, pneumonia, gastrointestinal infections, problems with the nervous system. Sometimes cephalalgia is considered a sign of a beginning mental illness, neurosis or craniocerebral trauma.

In today's world, occasions for cephalalgia are often exorbitant loads on schoolchildren, lack of sleep, long sitting at the computer, watching TV, personal difficulties in the family or school. Adolescent girls who want to lose weight, poorly eating and / or exhausting themselves by physical stress, can also complain about cephalalgia.

With cephalgia, you should always consult a doctor who will establish the causative factor and resolve the situation. Treatment may not only require medication, rest and physiotherapy, but even hospitalization.