Purulent otitis in the child

Very often in the course of a cold in the child, a complication such as otitis - an ear inflammation can develop. It can be of two types:

The greatest danger is purulent otitis. Children under three years of age are more likely to have a purulent form of the disease, they often have relapses.

Otitis occurs as a result of infection in the region of the tympanic membrane through the auditory tube, with an inflammation of the mucosa of the auditory tube. Since the ears - a paired organ, respectively purulent otitis in the place of flow may be bilateral and one-sided (right or left ear).

Otitis in the child: causes

At the age of up to one year, most often the child is marked with bilateral purulent otitis (90% of cases). But by the age of two years, the figures have been reduced by half due to the development of the child's hearing aid.

Since in the infant the mucous tissue of the middle ear is loose and gelatinous, it is more vulnerable and more susceptible to viral and bacterial infections, as a result of which purulent otitis develops.

Thickness of the tympanic membrane provides increased accumulation of pus, as a result of which spontaneous rupture of the membrane occurs rarely.

When bilateral otitis pain can be not only in the ear, but also give in the teeth, whiskey.

Purulent otitis in the child: symptoms

A newborn child has the following symptoms:

At the older age, the following symptoms can be observed in children:

A child of older age can observe the presence of pain in the ear.

How to treat purulent otitis in infants?

Before a visit to the doctor, you can help the baby to alleviate the pain with the help of warm compresses: it is necessary to take a large piece of cotton wool and moisten with warm water, attach to the child's ear and wear a bonnet. Do not make alcohol compresses.

Ear drops should be used only after the appointment of a doctor. Because self-medication can aggravate the situation. At home, you can use improvised means to lower body temperature. In this case, preference should be given to rectal suppositories.

Purulent otitis in the child: treatment

Most parents are inclined to believe that in case of ear infection, it is enough to simply drip the baby drops. However, you should not postpone the visit to the doctor, because with an external examination you do not see in what state the hearing aid is located and what degree of otitis manifestation. This depends on a properly selected course of treatment and a successful outcome of the disease.

As a means of local treatment prescribe ear drops otypax, otinum, sonopaks.

In especially neglected cases, a puncture of the tympanic membrane (paracentesis) is performed.

It is effective to perform such physiotherapeutic procedures as the saline and UHF.

Parallel with purulent otitis, the doctor prescribes antibiotics (ampicillin, cephalosporins).

To exclude the symptoms of intoxication, intravenous infusions are carried out with saline and glucose.

To lower body temperature, paracetamol, cefecon, ibuprofen are prescribed.

During the child's illness, it is important to increase the amount of fluid consumed, which will also help improve the overall physical condition of the child.

In case of neglect of purulent otitis in the child, it may be that a puncture of the tympanic membrane may be required in order that a purulent secret has accumulated from the ear. In this case, a puncture can lead to serious hearing impairment or complete loss of hearing.

Complications of purulent otitis media

If purulent otitis is not treated, then the infectious process will proceed further and cause such serious diseases as meningitis, mastoiditis, physiological disorders of the heart, lungs, kidneys and other vital organs.