Remedy for ticks for children

Protecting a child from ticks is the most common problem for parents who often go on holiday to nature together with their babies. Digging into the skin, insects not only cause discomfort to the child, but also create the danger of infection with serious diseases, for example, encephalitis. How to protect the child from ticks, we will tell in detail later.

Protection against ticks for children

Means and method, which reliably, 100% would protect the child from tick bites, does not exist.

The most effective way to repel mites cures drugs that can be purchased at a pharmacy. As for folk remedies, they are able to scare off mites on condition of proper use, but their effectiveness is much lower, and therefore they can be applied if a child is small by age or it is not possible to acquire a chemist drug.

Repellents for ticks for children

Repellents from ticks are the same chemicals of chemical origin, which, if used correctly, help deter mites from the baby.

Apply them before 3 years of age is not recommended. They are toxic to the child's body.

Since the age of 3, repellent preparations can be used, but in no case applying them to the baby's skin. Good tools that can really scare mites, are applied only to clothing. You need to buy them in the pharmacy, otherwise there is a risk, buy a counterfeit, which, at best, just does not help.

The most popular mite repellents for children are "Off! Extreme "," Biban "," DEFI-Taiga "," Mosquito antiklesch "and others. They should be applied to clothing. Prepare it in advance. All things that are planned to be dressed in nature are processed by drugs. Leave them hung in the street until completely dry. After that clothes can be worn.

It must be remembered that the drugs have a validity period during which they will be effective. Upon completion, a new treatment is necessary.

If the weather is wet or you and the child are exposed to rain, the duration of the drug is automatically reduced by several hours. In individual cases, the remedy may not be effective. For example, ticks can attract the smell of baby creams or the smell of the baby's body, so it's necessary to inspect the baby in nature even when using the means every 20 minutes.

Which plants repel ticks?

It is believed that scares off the smell of certain herbs. Having landed such on your site, you can be sure that there will be less ticks.

To plants that repel ticks, traditionally include:

Ticks can rarely be found in coniferous forests, but it does not occur due to the smell of needles. Mites dry air in such a forest and a small amount of grass do not suit the tongue. Therefore, if you want to make your site unattractive for ticks - cut the grass shorter and try to make sure that it is not wet.

Protection against ticks folk remedies

As a folk remedy for ticks, essential oils with an intense odor are often used. They can also be used to protect young children, but on condition that the kids do not have allergies.

What smell repels ticks?

To combat mites use oil of rosemary , cloves, eucalyptus and mint. Their intense smell does not like mites. These oils can be used either individually or by mixing them in a few drops.

The obtained mixture or one essential oil is treated with the edges of clothing and exposed skin areas. On the indicated places spend with the finger moistened in oil. The procedure should be repeated every 1.5 to 2 hours.

Also, do not forget that there is a special inoculation for children from ticks , which protects against the main danger - tick-borne encephalitis.