Treatment of adenoids in children

Adenoids are the growth of the nasopharyngeal tonsils. Most adenoids are found in children. As a rule, by the age of 20 adenoids are atrophied, but for children and adolescents they pose a real threat. Timely treatment of adenoids allows you to avoid many complications, but if you have concerns about the health of the baby, it is better not to postpone the examination. Non-cured adenoids can cause chronic sinusitis and tonsillitis.

The main symptoms of the disease are snoring during sleep, frequent and prolonged (about 2 weeks) coryza, frequent dry cough, otitis, hearing impairment. Difficulty of nasal breathing is not always the first sign, but if the adenoids are not cured in time, then the child begins to breathe constantly with the mouth, which leads to serious consequences. Depending on the duration of the disease, there are deviations in mental development, memory impairment, deterioration of hearing, decreased immunity. Continuous breathing with the mouth leads to deformation of the face, which threatens with problems with the teeth.

The proliferation of nasopharyngeal tonsils in children is often accompanied by adenoiditis. Adenoiditis is an inflammation of hypertrophic nasopharyngeal tonsils (adenoids). It is accompanied by a violation of nasal breathing and an increase in temperature. Thus palatine tonsils in children can remain healthy.

How to treat adenoids in children?

In order to determine how to treat adenoids, you need to undergo a survey from a good doctor. The methods of treatment affect the degree of adenoids and their location. Thanks to modern technologies, diagnostics do not cause a special discomfort, which is especially important for kids.

The degree of adenoids depends on how much they overlap the height of the nasal tract. When overlapping only the upper part (1 degree) and 2/3 of the nasal passage (grade 2), adenoids are treated without surgery - a conservative method. Surgery to remove adenoids in children is required when the nasal passage is completely blocked (grade 3). The conservative method involves taking medications, carrying out special procedures. Treatment of adenoids with folk remedies is acceptable in slightly neglected forms of the disease and only after consulting a doctor. Here are some folk recipes for the treatment of adenoids in children:

- 3 items of l. grass, 2 tbsp. St. John's wort, 1 tbsp. mother-and-stepmother. Pour two tablespoons of this collection into one glass of boiling water. Insist in the thermos for 1 hour. Strain. Add 2 drops of eucalyptus oil and bury in each nostril 2 times a day, 2-4 drops;

Applying folk remedies for treatment of adenoids in children, consider that many herbs are contraindicated to babies.

When treating adenoids in children, homeopathy also be circumspect - trust the health of your kids with only good, proven professionals.

In modern medicine, the treatment of adenoids with a laser is widely used . The first course consists of 12-15 sessions. To fix the result, you need 3-4 additional courses throughout the year. Otorhinolaryngologists recommend it as a basic treatment. In some cases, laser treatment of adenoids is preferable to surgery and gives better results.

Unfortunately, sometimes the treatment of adenoids in children does not give any results. Inflamed nasopharyngeal tonsils provoke the onset of a cold or rhinitis, which in turn contributes to the proliferation of adenoids. As a result, the enlarged tonsils block the flow of air from the nose into the windpipe. Most often in such cases, doctors recommend that children do adenotomy - an operation to remove adenoids.

Removal of adenoids

Surgery to remove adenoids in children is prescribed at 3 degrees of the disease. In 1 and 2 degrees operate only in rare cases, for example, in chronic adenoiditis.

Before you remove the adenoids, you need to undergo certain training. In inflammatory processes, the operation should not be done. In the beginning it is necessary to cure inflammation.

The operation to remove adenoids in children is done under the control of vision (endoscopic method). In order not to harm the child's psyche, doctors recommend general anesthesia. Before the operation, you must correctly explain to the baby what it is for. Calm him, explain that it will not hurt. Tell us how easy it will be to breathe, that you will not have to cure permanent colds. In a word, take care that your child is not nervous during the operation.

In the presence of adenoids and some diseases of the nasopharynx, the removal of palatine tonsils is recommended. For example, with frequent inflammation or chronic diseases. With this question it is better not to rush - the tonsils in children perform an important protective function. To begin with, it is better to take a course of conservative treatment.

If you have any suspicions about the disease, do not delay the visit to the ENT. Proper and timely treatment of adenoids in children will prevent many problems, both for you and for your baby.