Lemon muffins

Lemon muffins are a delicious addition to tea and a convenient snack option that you can take with you to work or study. Fragrant lemon cupcakes are prepared easily and quickly, and most importantly - many tasty supplements are suitable for them.

A simple recipe for lemon muffins


For muffins:

For sugar glaze:


Before you prepare lemon muffins, heat the oven to 190 degrees.

Sugar and flour mix and form a dry mixture of "well". In the "well", pour the eggs beaten with butter, vanilla and milk and knead the dough.

Lubricate the forms for cupcakes with vegetable oil and fill it with a cupcake test. In the center of each future cupcake we put on a piece of lemon marmalade. We prepare the lemon dessert for 10-15 minutes.

While the muffins are baked, we will cover the glaze: pour the sugar powder with lemon juice and put it on the stove, wait until the mass thickens and becomes homogeneous and is removed from the fire.

We let the baking to cool and pour it on sugar icing. As an ornament, small muffins can be sprinkled with grated lemon zest. Muffins with lemon zest are served for a cup of coffee, tea, or compote.

Cottage cheese-lemon muffins with poppy seeds

Cottage cheese-lemon muffins can be eaten separately, or complemented with butter and jam.



We start preparing the curd muffins from the dough: sugar, using a blender, grind along with the lemon zest. Add the sifted flour, baking powder and soda to the mixture, mix.

In a separate bowl, mix eggs, cottage cheese , vanilla extract, lemon juice and melted creamy until uniform. If the cottage cheese is not fat enough - we dilute it with sour cream.

We combine the liquid ingredients with the dry mixture and knead the cake dough smoothly until the mass becomes homogeneous. After that add the dough to the dough.

We put the dough in oiled forms, trying to fill them with 2/3, after that put the muffins to bake for 15-20 minutes.

Cooled pastries can be covered with a layer of glaze from the previous recipe, or simply sprinkled with powdered sugar.