Conspiracy on cards

Many divinations are conducted using Tarot or playing cards. In addition, psychics and other people associated with magic use maps for predictions. For a deck to give truthful answers, it must be properly charged. There are a few simple rituals that are available to everyone.

Conspiracy for fortune-telling cards

Having bought a new deck, it's worthwhile to hold it in your hands for a while, which will allow you to charge it with your own energy. After that, start shuffling cards, whispering such a conspiracy:

"36 sisters, brothers, daughter-in-law, kumovey, companions. Serve me faithfully, make friends unchanged. 36 carts, four suits, tell me everything as is, what to expect, what will happen, whether I should wait for news, for what business to undertake, what should I fear. I urge all of you. My word is strong, it's pretty easy to guess. Amen".

Then shuffle the deck again and the person who is guessing should take it off with his left hand. Immediately after this, you can do the alignment.

Plot on Tarot cards

To initiate a new deck, you must perform a simple ritual. To do this, in advance, within a month, the deck needs to ask simple questions concerning the forecast for tomorrow. To conduct the ritual, you should purchase three candles of black color. It is necessary to conduct it on the night from Thursday to Friday. Candles light and arrange the cards in turn. During this, read such a plot on new maps:

"I'll go out, slave (name) from the house at midnight and go north on the black field. In the field, the power is dead, great and powerful. I worship, slave (imyarek) to the damp earth and ask for help from the force of the dead and the tribal. Oh, you grandfathers, my great-grandfathers, my dear spirits, come to my aid, help me in my work. How do you fly in spirit and keep up everywhere, so let me all know and let the cards understand. I'll light the candle for you and remind you of it. My word is strong and forever unbreakable. Amen".

After this, collect the cards and place them under the pillow. During the whole time, touch the deck more often to keep in touch.

Plot on fortune-telling cards so they do not lie

This strong ritual can be done only once in 25 days and most importantly, the cards will give only one correct answer, so think about what you will ask. For the ceremony, you should prepare the leaves of marigold, the dry petals of the rose red, white and yellow, and black pepper peas. Put all the ingredients in a bowl of metal.

To begin the ritual it is necessary on Friday at 12 o'clock in the night. Light the candles in black, hold a deck above them and think about the question you want to ask, and the answer should be either "yes" or "no." After this, tell the plot to tell the cards the truth:

"I do not buy a deck because of the excitement.

I give her luck in business.

Fire, I very much ask you,

Burn all adversity if I sin.

Let this deck lie quietly,

Sadness and anguish from me let him run.

Let me have a map of life,

In difficult cases, they will not let me down.

If I'm guessing, I'll only know the truth,

Whom shall I fear, when shall I be grieved.

All the cards will tell about the terrible people,

They will protect me and the children.

Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Then set fire to the contents of the bowl and wait for everything to burn. After that, put the hands in the ash and, without wiping it, spread out the cards. The situation will certainly give a truthful answer.

Plot on the full moon cards

The rite is held on the night from Thursday to Friday. On the windowsill, arrange the cards so that the moonlight hits them. In the morning before sunrise gather the cards and, handing them over in hands, say such a conspiracy:

"I'm talking, a slave (name) 36 carts, 36 suits to find out my thoughts, what happened and what will happen, to learn about the affairs of strangers and strangers' secrets. My word is strong, my work is good. "

Words repeat three times. It is important to treat respectfully the conspiratorial cards. Do not give a deck to other people's hand and do not use it for the game.