Why is karkade useful?

Karkad tea appeared relatively recently in our region. It tones well and perfectly quenches thirst, it has a characteristic sourness. The use of karkade was celebrated in ancient Egypt. The Egyptians believed in the healing properties of this drink and even left dried petals in the tombs of the pharaohs along with other incenses. Karkade is also called the "Sudanese rose" - dried flowers of a hibiscus plant, a relative of a mallow. There are more than 150 species of this plant.

Why is karkade useful?

The use of karkade is very great. Karkade with hypertension lowers the pressure, improves the pancreas, liver. This tea removes toxins from the body, normalizes the metabolism. Acts as the prevention of viral and colds. Rich in carcade content of vitamin C. It is more in it than in the orange about twice. Pectin removes heavy metals and salts from the body. Antioxidants rejuvenate the cells of the body and protect them from the influence of free radicals, and accordingly prevent the occurrence of benign and malignant tumors. A bright red color is inherent in carcade due to anthocyanins. They strengthen the walls of all blood vessels. Therefore, for people suffering from heart and vascular diseases, this tea will be especially useful. Drink tea drunk on an empty stomach is also an antiparasitic agent.

But this is not all, what is useful karkade. It contains organic acids, cleansing vessels of cholesterol and fissioning fats. Quercetin, contained in this drink, improves eyesight and relieves eye fatigue. The complex of all listed vitamins and nutrients increases tone, creates an invigorating effect, relieves depression and stress, and improves mental activity. Karkade is also used as an antispasmodic. In some diseases, it can even lower body temperature.

What is useful karkade for women and men? Hibiscus, from which the carcade is made, is used to reduce bleeding. It will be especially useful for women who have problems with irregular, painful and too abundant menstrual cycles. Men should take karkade as an aphrodisiac. This tea can improve men's health. Calorie content of carcade tea is 309 kcal in 100 grams of the product.

Karkade is used not only as a tea, it is made of healing masks and balms for hair and skin. It is better to brew karkade in dishes made of natural materials, such as glass, porcelain or ceramics. Drinking tea from karkade is pleasant both hot and cold. If desired, you can add sugar, lemon, mint or ginger to it .

Chemical composition of carcade

In addition to quickly quenching thirst, carcade contains many useful substances. This tea contains vitamins B, C and P, tartaric, citric, malic acid, pectins, sugars, many microelements, fatty organic acids, anthocyanins and 13 amino acids, of which 6 are essential.

Contraindications to the use of carcade

Despite the abundance of useful properties in tea karkade, there are a number of contraindications to its use. Since carcade can make the acidity of gastric juice more, it is not recommended to drink to people with gastritis and stomach ulcers. You can not use karkade people with cholelithiasis and urolithiasis. Karkad is an allergenic product. Therefore, if you are addicted to food allergies, you should drink it with caution and a little. The use of carcade will be noticeable only in the case of proper brewing and a moderate amount. Do not abuse this tea and drink more than three cups a day.