Pies with liver

Pies with liver - a delicious and hearty dish of Russian cuisine. They are usually fried or baked in a frying pan with vegetable oil. They are not only amazingly tasty, but also very useful. After all, the liver contains iron, calcium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus and many vitamins that our body needs. Let's look at some interesting recipes for you on how to make pies with liver.

Patties with potatoes and liver


For filling:

For the test:


So, to make baked patties with the liver, we first make the filling. To do this, boil the liver in boiling water for about 20 minutes. At the very end, salt it to taste and carefully take it out of the pan. My potatoes, clean and cut into small slices. Boil in slightly salted water until ready, drain the water and make a mash. The boiled liver is passed along with the peeled onions and garlic through a meat grinder and mix the minced meat with the mashed potatoes. Solim and pepper the filling to taste.

Now let's deal with you preparing a dough. Yeast is mixed with sifted flour and slowly add water, milk and egg. Mix everything and knead a homogeneous dough. We put it in a saucepan, cover with a towel and put it away in a warm place for 20 minutes. Then again, mix and remove in heat for 45 minutes.

When everything is ready, proceed to the preparation of pies. We form the same small balls from the dough. Then gently roll them into thin cakes, put stuffing in the middle and form a patty. Spread them on a greased baking tray with a seam down and send it to a preheated oven to 180 ° C. Bake such pies very quickly, about 20 minutes. That's all, pies with liver in the oven are ready, pour hot tea and serve cakes on the table.

Pies with liver and rice



How to cook delicious pies with chicken liver? First we sift the flour and add salt. Mix and form on the table a small flour hill. In the center, make a small depression and put milk, yeast, oil, sugar and eggs into it. Knead the dough and put it on for 30 minutes in a warm place. This time we are preparing the filling. The liver is cut into small pieces, fried in vegetable oil. Solim and pepper to taste. Carrots boil in a little salted water, and onions are cleaned and cut into half rings. Then pass the liver with vegetables through a meat grinder, combine with boiled rice, add finely chopped greens, salt and pepper. Thoroughly mix the resulting stuffing. We form the same small balls from the dough. Then gently roll them into thin cakes, put stuffing in the middle and form a patty. We spread them on the heated frying pan with a seam down and fry in a large quantity of vegetable oil, first with one, and then on the other side. It took only 1.5 hours, and you have on your table adorns a whole dish of lush and fragrant fried pies with liver!

You can experiment and add various ingredients to the filling, creating unique taste combinations. For example, you can add a finely chopped boiled egg to the liver and then you will get deliciously tender and nutritious patties with liver and egg. Bon Appetit!