Kalamondin - home care

The birthplace of the Kalamondin flower is Southeast Asia. It belongs to the family of the rutas, and is considered a hybrid, which arose as a result of crossing mandarin with cancan (fortunella). Hence the second name of the flower - tsitrofontunella. The inhabitants call the calamondin a roomy mandarin. Kalamondin is a beautiful plant with glossy green leaves, white flowers, exuding a pleasant and delicate aroma. Its fruits are yellow-orange in 3-4 cm in diameter with a thin skin, acidic pulp and a lot of pits. In general, many flower growers would like to see such an extraordinary flower on their windowsill. And not only because of its fruits: they are edible, but their taste is unpleasant. But what unusuality the interior brings tsitrofortunella, fructifying all year round!

However, not everyone is familiar with how to grow a Kalamondin. We will try to help you and give you some useful tips.

How to care for calamondin?

Because of the unusual and pleasant appearance, Kalamondin is often given for holidays. If you also received such a presentation or purchased this flower, do not worry, citrofintunella does not belong to capricious representatives of the home flora. Care for him is quite simple. He perfectly tolerates winter in apartments with over-dried air, and in summer he is content with a balcony. It is necessary to arrange the plant in such a way that bright, but diffuse illumination falls on it, that is, no direct rays should be. The most favorable temperature for the life of Kalamondin is 22-25⁰C in summer and 15-18⁰С in winter (such a low temperature is important for good fruiting). As for how to water Kalamondin, it should be pointed out that he is a fairly hygrophilous plant. It is poured with warm water every time the top layer of the soil dries. Well, do not forget to spray the flower's crown daily. To form a beautiful shape, the pot with the flower should be turned every day 1-2 mm.

Apply fertilizers all year round 1-2 times a month, because citrofortunella always brings fruit. Top dressing should be delivered both to the ground and sprayed onto the crown.

How to transplant Kalamondin?

Keep in mind that calamondin needs a transplant after purchase. It is better to hold it two weeks after the plant has come to you. To do this, you should choose a spacious pot, because the root system of the citrophortunella is well developed. The earth for the Kalamondin should be taken from the turf. At the bottom of the tank, drainage up to 3 cm in height should be laid, and in the ground add a little sand and repaired manure in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. Kalamondin is transferred to a new pot with an earthen lump.

In the future, the transplant should be carried out annually in February-March, until the plant does not have flowers and fruits. To do this, I use a pot that is larger than the previous one. At the same time, it is possible to trim the Kalamondin by cutting off the young shoots to form a lush shape.

Kalamondin propagation is carried out by seeds or cuttings. The latter are rooted in the sand in the spring with the earth and covered with a jar. At the same time, phytohormones should be used, since the cuttings do not take root well.

Diseases and pests of calamondine

In the event that the Kalamondin leaves fall, you need to pay attention to the temperature in the room. This "leaf fall" is sometimes due to drafts, excess heat and watering, use of cold water. Room mandarin can suffer from pests - spider mites , aphids , whiteflies. To get rid of them in a specialized store, you need to purchase a remedy and process the stem and leaves of the plant.

Thus, with proper care for Kalamondin flowering and fructification year-round to you is ensured!