Seborrhea of ​​scalp

Dandruff in the hair appears when the top layer of the epidermis of the scalp, too, most often caused by seborrhea, is dying too fast.

What is seborrhea of ​​the scalp?

Seborrhea is a dermatological disease associated with impaired functioning of the sebaceous glands of the skin.

The most common is oily (liquid) seborrhea, in which excessive sebum is observed. Hair very quickly zhirneet, yellowish color of dandruff is seen, it is possible the appearance of acne and even purulent rashes. With dry (thick) seborrhea, the production of sebum is reduced on the contrary, the skin becomes dry, begins to actively peel off, and sometimes crack. There is a large amount of very fine white dandruff, the hair becomes more dry, brittle, tips begin to be cut.

Causes of seborrhea on the head

Seborrhea usually occurs due to metabolic disorders. There are several main causes that can affect the onset of this disease:

How to cure seborrhea on the head?

Seborrhea can be both an independent disease and a sign of other diseases. Therefore, most often requires treatment and concomitant diseases. It may be necessary to consult such doctors as a dermatologist (in the first place), a neurologist, an endocrinologist.

As preventive and supportive measures it is necessary:

Also, you need to use special remedies for seborrhea of ​​the scalp:

  1. To cure fatty seborrhea of ​​the head, it is recommended to use shampoos containing such components as tar or zinc and antifungal constituents. One of the most common remedies for seborrhea of ​​the scalp are shampoos of the brand Friederm (tar and zinc) and shampoo Sebiprox.
  2. From dry seborrhea scalp used drugs with antifungal (for example, ketonazole) and anti-inflammatory components, as well as various products with a moisturizing effect.
  3. For the treatment of dry head seborrhea, preparations containing sulfur and salicylic acid are used. In the treatment of oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp, these same drugs are used in the form of alcohol solutions. In addition, resorcinol, chloral hydrate is used.

Folk Remedies for Seborrhea

  1. Grass St. John's wort pour alcohol or vodka in a 1: 5 ratio, insist for 12-14 days. Use tincture in the form of lotions. It has a drying and anti-inflammatory effect, and is used to treat oily head seborrhea.
  2. Mix one tablespoon of castor oil, honey and onion juice, add one yolk. Apply the mask on the hair, wrap it on top with a towel and leave for an hour.
  3. Mix the crushed leaves to the mash and the nettle and garlic. Blend the mixture on your head for 15-20 minutes, wrap your head with a towel. Rinse off the mask with acidified water with the addition of decoction of chamomile. This tool is used for dry seborrhea.

In addition to therapeutic masks, it is believed that the therapeutic effect in the treatment of seborrhea, especially oily, have sunbaths, but they should not be abused.