Begonia - tuber planting

The bright palette of colors of multi-colored begonias pleases the eye in the shady corner of the garden. Ornate flowers of tuberous begonias decorate our apartments from early spring and to the coldest, and some of its species bloom generally all year round. In order to preserve this beauty as long as possible, we will consider how to grow tuberous begonia.

The most effective way of breeding begonia tuber is seed. With this method in the first year you can grow a flowering plant. Seeds are sown in January-early February in a light earth mixture. They lay out on the ground, not falling asleep, gently poured from the spray gun, covered with glass and put in a warm room until the appearance of white bunnies. Then the temperature is lowered, and the glasses are removed. Before planting in the open ground, the seedlings should be dived twice and once a week, watered with mineral fertilizers dissolved in water. Seedlings are ready for planting in about six weeks.

Planting begonii tuber in the open ground begin in June. If there is an opportunity to put it on a glassed-in loggia, then planted in mid-May. With recurrent colds, begonia should be hidden. If you bought begonia seedlings, and cold outside - you can hold it at home on the window, but be sure to shade from the bright rays of the sun and ensure sufficient air humidity.

When planting seedlings in the ground, you need to carefully remove it from the pot, as the stem of the plant is very juicy and can easily break. The seedlings of begonia of tuberous from the seeds are planted one and a half centimeters deeper than it was in the pot. If the seedlings are stretched or grown from a tuber, then the planting is deepened to 2.5 cm. Before planting begonia, a fertilizer is placed in the hole, which then will dissolve slowly when watering the plant and feeding it. Fertilizer must contain potassium and phosphorus for the growth of a young plant. High varieties of begonias should be planted at a distance of 35 cm from each other, and compact bushes can be planted closer - by 25 cm. If you plant seedlings of ampel varieties in containers, then the distance between seedlings should be from 10 to 15 cm.

Begonia garden: planting and care

Tuber begonia does not like bright sunlight, so it should be planted, avoiding direct sunlight. However, she also does not like a strong shadow: the leaves fall off, the plant stretches out and even ceases to bloom. But in the penumbra begonia will feel good and blossom abundantly. Another feature - the shoots of the plant are fragile and from the strong wind may break, so when planting begonia tuber in the garden should provide for the possibility of protection from the wind. Before planting such a begonia should be a good drainage, which will ensure rapid removal of moisture and prevent water stagnation. Begonia loves the soil air and moisture permeable. Therefore, heavy clay soils require the introduction of peat, leaf earth or sand. And if the soil is sandy and infertile, then organic fertilizers, peat, humus must be introduced into them.

Planting on a permanent place in the garden begonia is necessary when the leaves and even buds are already formed. To this end, at the end of March and the beginning of April, the tubers are transferred to a warm room until the sprouts appear. After that they are placed in boxes with humus and sand. After planting, the tubers are watered, and the boxes are exposed to light, maintaining a temperature of about 20 degrees. You need to water as much as possible drying of the earth. When the seedlings grow to a height of 10-12 cm, it is time to plant it in the open ground.

Care for begonia garden is a regular watering, and in the heat water better in the morning to prevent sunburn leaves. Periodically, loosen the soil and remove the weeds. If the plant is very grown - tie it to the peg, so that the wind does not break the fragile trunk of the flower.

Begonia tuber - a plant unpretentious, therefore, with a little effort at planting and care, you will get a wonderful flowering plant, all the summer pleasing to the eye and raising the mood.