Badan - landing and care in the open ground

Badan, which received the popular nickname "elephant ears", refers to those unique plants that along with excellent decorative properties also have healing properties . In its large green leaves contains a huge number of various "utility": tannic, ascorbic and gallic acids, as well as carotene. Badass tea is useful for maintaining and strengthening the heart and blood vessels, and also has a bactericidal and choleretic ability. We will talk about the intricacies of planting and caring for badan in the open ground today.

Growing Badan from Seeds

Propagation of badana on the site is possible in several ways: seeds, cuttings and division of the rhizome. The seed method of them is the most laborious and lengthy. In the beginning-middle of March, the seeds of the badan must be planted in seedlings, filled with a mixture of turf and river sand. Soil mixture before planting should be abundantly moistened, and then make in it several grooves 5 mm deep at a distance of 30 mm from each other. After this, the boxes from the seeds are sent to a room with a temperature of 18-20 degrees and low light. Care of seedlings is reduced to regular watering and thinning of crops as necessary.

Landing Badana

By transplanting into the open ground seedlings of badana are ready by the beginning of June. They should be planted in wells approximately 60 mm deep, staggered at intervals of 40 cm. After planting, the soil must be confused with a mixture of peat and sand.

Care of a badan

It should be remembered that grown from seeds, the bédan grows slowly enough and needs additional protection before hibernation. Therefore, in the autumn, the garden bed with it must be further adulterated using peat or fallen leaves for this purpose. In the future, in the autumn mulching of badana will not be necessary. In general, care of the plant consists of periodic irrigation and removal of the dead part of the bush over the winter.