How grows pomelo?

Until recently, an unusual tropical fruit appeared on our shelves, looking so similar to our pear - pomelo (or as Pamela likes to say), with an emphasis on the second syllable. And almost immediately won the love of many buyers for an unusual sweet taste. It is quite natural that the consumers of an amazing exotic fruit have an interest in how the pomelo grows and its origin.

Where does the pomelo grow?

In general, the homeland of the broom is considered to be China. However, later the plant appeared in South Asia, Malaysia. However, only these countries, where pomelo grows, can not be limited. Pomelo is growing and cultivated in such countries as Thailand, Vietnam, India, Taiwan and even Israel. Small groves of pomelo plants can be found in the US, in the state of California and on the islands of Tahiti.

In Europe, a tropical fruit was introduced in the XIV century on board an English ship, which was controlled by Captain Shaddock. Therefore at that time the fruit was nicknamed "shaddock". The very name pomelo comes from English pomelo, pumelo and Dutch pompelmoes. The fruit grows on the tree. If we talk about how a pomelo tree looks, it is noteworthy that it grows to 15 m in height. The evergreen pomelo tree has a spherical crown and large leaves. Blossoms bloom large flowers with a diameter of 3-7 cm. Instead, they then appear fruits with a diameter of 10-30 cm. In mature form, the color of the fruit varies from pale green to yellow. The fruit is covered with a rather thick skin, and inside the yellow-orange flesh is divided by a septum.

By the way, among the inhabitants there is an opinion about the origin of the pomelo fruit: grapefruit was crossed with something. In fact, a shaddock is an absolutely independent plant, and grapefruit is the result of crossing an orange and pomelo.

Pomelo - growing at home

Many of our compatriots are fond of growing citrus from the stone (for example, lemon, mandarin or orange). And often as a result, they receive small plants and even fruits in the pot. Why not experiment and grow a pomelo in this way?

Before growing a pomelo from a bone, it is necessary to purchase a fruit and choose from it the largest bones. Dry them and place on a saucer, pre-lining a damp cloth or covering with damp cotton wool. Determine the saucer with bones in a warm place and always keep the napkin (cotton wool) moist. Such optimum conditions of maintenance for seeds are pomelo, due to what they will germinate. When this happens, prepare a pot (or any other container). Fill it with drainage, and then with soil substrate, which can be purchased at a flower shop. Plant sprouted bones should be at a depth of 1-2 cm, so that the roots are directed downward.

When growing pomelo it is important to observe several simple rules of care. First, put the pot with the seedlings in the warm, well An illuminated place where direct sunlight does not reach. Also it is necessary to water the land with constant water at room temperature, when the earth clod will dry out. Over time, a sprout will appear from the earth, on which a few leaves will appear later. This means that the sprouted greens of the pomelo can be dived, that is, each sprout must be transplanted separately. To do this, you need to pick pots with a diameter of not more than 15 cm. At the same time, the stem root should be attached, that is, pruned. In the future, care for pomelo involves systematic spraying with warm water and watering. By the way, the plant is afraid of drafts and sharp changes in lighting. When buds appear on the pomel, they are recommended to be cut off, otherwise the plant will quickly deplete and disappear.