Cardio exercises for weight loss

Many girls, wanting to lose weight, buy season tickets to the gym. However, there are ways to be much more effective and affordable - for example, giving the body a cardio load. This type of load is aimed at improving the performance of the lungs and the heart and is based on a large number of repetitions of simple actions. All this has a very pleasant side effect - fast and effective splitting of fatty tissues and, as a consequence, weight loss. In the gym you get a load, and it is aimed at strengthening and developing muscles. It should be understood that muscle tissue and fat - things are completely different and strengthening the muscles will not contribute to the disappearance of the fat layer.

Cardio exercises for burning fat

In addition to fast weight loss, which is guaranteed by regular cardio-operations (at least 30-40 minutes 3-4 times a week), there are many additional advantages that will bring you such lessons. Among them you can list:

Being engaged in cardio training, you essentially raise your level of vitality and generally improve your health.

Cardio exercises for weight loss: types

There is a wide variety of cardio loads, from which you can quite choose something most suitable specifically for you:

In the list there are also options for which you will have to purchase a subscription to a fitness club - for example, swimming, tennis or aqua aerobics and those that do not require costs and are available to everyone - running, climbing stairs, jumping rope .

Cardio exercises at home

As it is easy to see, most of the cardio exercises at home will perform quite problematically. After all, most of us at home have no pool, no treadmill, no exercise bike, no steppe.

The most accessible cardio exercise for losing weight at home can be called with confidence the ordinary rope. This simple simulator allows you to effectively use the majority of existing muscle groups, which has a complex effect on the body. If you are looking for optimal cardio exercises for the abdomen, legs or hands - this is definitely your option!

Do not you believe that a simple skipping rope will help you get rid of extra pounds? In vain! Try without a preliminary training jump for at least 5-10 minutes, and you will realize that this simple device gives a very serious load. To ensure that the rope only benefits you, do not forget about the simple rules:

  1. Before the session, be sure to do the simplest workout - break the joints, perform slopes, sit-ups. It is very important to warm up the muscles before the rope, otherwise they can be traumatized.
  2. Do not try to immediately set an Olympic record. To start, jump a few minutes, then march in place for another 1-2 minutes and continue training. To begin with, you need to jump for at least 15-20 minutes with breaks. This time, gradually adding 2 minutes, it is necessary to bring up to 30-40 minutes.
  3. Classes should be regular - at least 3 times a week, otherwise the effect will be small.
  4. In the end, perform the simplest stretching, known to you even from school classes in physical education.

It is from regular cardiovagings that the fastest and most effective burning of fat takes place. And to enhance the effect, you can recommend combining classes with the transition to proper nutrition.