Complex exercises for the buttocks

Buttocks - one of the most problem areas for women. Some girls suffer from excessive completeness, others from obscurity, and others from imperfect forms. However, in all these cases, sport comes to the rescue. Regular exercise for the buttocks with dumbbells or neck allows you to pump up the buttocks and give them a more seductive shape, increasing muscle volume. However, to reduce the volume, it is not necessary to use exercises with additional weight, in this case it is more effective exercises on fitball , simulators or classical, which can be performed even at home.

The most effective exercises for inflating the buttocks

If the problem is that the buttocks are too flat or saggy, different exercises with dumbbells, griffin, bodybuilding, as well as static exercises for the buttocks are perfect.

  1. Sitting on a chair, feet apart, hands on the seat from the side. Hold the rubber ball between your knees and hold it for 1 minute, pressing it with force, as if trying to crush. This static (without repetition) exercise strengthens muscles. Complete 3 approaches.
  2. Standing on his knees, his hands are straight in front of him. Alternately sit on the floor then to the left, then to the right of yourself. It should be done within 1-2 minutes, before a strong burning sensation occurs in the buttocks. At first it will be very difficult to perform, but the result is definitely worth it. Do 2-3 approaches.
  3. Leaning against the back of the head and back against the wall, the legs are bent at the knees, the muscles are tense. Keep position for at least 1 minute, then relax. It is important to watch, so that the back of the neck, back, buttocks fit snugly against the wall. Complete 2-3 approaches.
  4. Sitting, palm resting on the level of the pelvis. Do not tear off the hands and stop the roll forward forwards, until the angle in the knees is 90% and the body is parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position. We do 3 approaches, 20-30 times.
  5. Sitting on the floor, hands straight behind, legs bent at the knees, rest on the floor. Tear off the buttocks from the floor, the body and thighs must make a straight line parallel to the floor. Just stay there for at least a minute. Then repeat with the knees down.
  6. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, in the hands of dumbbells (either a body-bodysart or a neck on the shoulders). Do squats before reaching the knee angle of 90 degrees, strongly pulling the buttocks back. Repeat 3 approaches 15-20 times.
  7. Perform classic attacks by holding small dumbbells or a neck on your shoulders. Repeat 3 sets of 15 times for each leg.

Performing such a complex in a day, you quickly reach the goal.

Complex exercises for the buttocks for weight loss

If your goal is to lose weight in the buttocks, do not adjust only to exercise. It is necessary to revise your diet and give up sweets, flour and fat. By following such simple rules and without particularly changing your diet, you will be able to reach your goal much faster. But the exercises in combination with too wrong nutrition a significant effect may not give.

  1. Running, skipping rope or running on the spot. This is the first thing that should be included in any weight loss program. At least 15-30 minutes a day you need to practice it.
  2. Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet rest on the floor. At a rapid pace, tear off the buttocks from the floor for 30 seconds. So we do 3 approaches with pauses between them in half a minute.
  3. Standing together, we make classic attacks, 30 times per leg, 3 sets with 30 seconds pauses.
  4. Standing on all fours, lifting one leg without lifting up as much as possible, we do 30 times per leg for 3 sets with a pause of 30 seconds between the approaches.

At the end of any activity, do not forget about the simplest stretch , which is familiar to all of us from the school lessons of physical education. This will avoid unpleasant feelings the next day.