How many calories are in the strawberry?

In the summer, it's hard to deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying a fragrant and sweet strawberry. The berries are not only delicious, but also very useful. Some women worry about how many calories are in the strawberry and will it not hurt the figure? Nutritionists recommend eating berries if possible, as they will supply the body with useful substances and help get rid of several kilograms.

Beneficial features

Thanks to the availability of vitamins, minerals and other substances, berries have several advantages:

  1. Calories in the strawberry are at a low enough level, so for 100 g there are only 30 calories. This is explained by the fact that the berries are practically composed of one water.
  2. Vitamin-mineral composition has a positive effect on the metabolism in the body and improves the digestive system as a whole.
  3. The composition of berries includes vitamin C , which causes the action of strawberries, as an antidepressant. This property is especially important in the period of weight loss, because the body is under severe stress.
  4. Strawberry acts on the body as an easy diuretic that helps to remove excess fluid from the body and to remove puffiness.
  5. The composition of berries includes pectins, which improve digestion and cleanse the intestines from toxins and toxins.
  6. Since the calories in the strawberry are low, and the berries contain many useful substances, they can be used as a diet for obesity.

How many calories are in frozen strawberries?

To have the opportunity to use berries throughout the year, they can be frozen. The main thing is to do it right: first wash the strawberries, and then lay them on a cutting board or baking sheet and send it to the freezer, then transfer the berries to a plastic bag. The amount of calories in frozen strawberries practically does not change, so in 1 tbsp. Berries are from 45 to 77 calories. When freezing, the amount of vitamins and minerals is not greatly reduced. Thanks to this method of storage, you can at any time use a strawberry diet or prepare from berries many different low-calorie desserts.

If you want to make a strawberry jam, then it should be taken into account that a lot of sugar is used for its preparation. As a result, the calorific value increases and is about 285 kcal.

Weight Loss Options

If you decide to consume strawberries, use one of the suggested methods to get rid of excess weight.

Option number 1 - the day of loading . Once a week you can use this type of weight loss, which allows you to get rid of 1 kg. Weight loss is due to the removal of excess fluid. For a day you need to eat 1.5 kg of berries. Do not forget to drink still water.

Option number 2 - a mono-diet . It is calculated for 4 days, for which you can lose up to 3 kg. At this time, you can eat an unlimited amount of strawberries, and drink water. Nutritionists are not advised to use this diet, since weight loss can carried out by reducing muscle mass, and this can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Option number 3 - diet for 4 days . During this time, you can lose up to 4 kg depending on the initial weight. The diet is not so strict, as it allows the use of other products. The menu will look something like this: